I'll show you mine if you'll show me your's! PICTURE THREAD


Here is me this weekend. Camped out in El Mirage, CA to watch some time trials in a dried up lake bed. It was pitch black when we rode in on saturday night. I felt like i was in the movie "the Lost Boys". All there were was headlamps and sand/dust. Awesome time. there was 13 of us total. I have more pics if anyone is interested.



Here is me this weekend. Camped out in El Mirage, CA to watch some time trials in a dried up lake bed. It was pitch black when we rode in on saturday night. I felt like i was in the movie "the Lost Boys". All there were was headlamps and sand/dust. Awesome time. there was 13 of us total. I have more pics if anyone is interested.


Yeah... definitely need to see more of this adventure!

GREAT pic... think that's a new favorite...