what is happening to us


I happened to be waiting for someone to meet with me at a very public place today , holiday weekend and the client was late. I was listening to a bunch of 19-20-21-22-23 year old girls talking. This went on for awhile because they were waiting for their parents, BF's and husbands to meet them. I sometimes think I am to critical or a snob and I should just shut TFU. but I have to say the quality of the conversation was at pre school level. We swear, we all thought we were cool if we said f--k.....but i was mortified. The language was horrible and the discussions were about O, nothing, nada, I mean it was all meaningless chat. The texting, phone calls, and oh oh oh guys....text so and so now everyone lots of texts tell him a hundred times he is a dick. Man oh man at 63 years old I wonder what the f are these kids going to do.
Nuff......happy Labor Day ;-)))


Demar....thx for the link....I remember the movie very well...you know it is nice to think we all went through the same thing and gee life is changing and we now have texting and sexting andddddd nowwwww. Here is what I am talking about.........
18 maybe 19 yr old young lady nice casual clothes......4 other girls the same clothes. " hey mother fucker what is happening. that guy you met at lunch was rad....did you suck his ....... in the bathroom ...come on tell the truth.....
Here is my point I hope she didn't do whatever but even if she didn't why are these really nice presentable young ladies acting like this.


Two Stroke
Hopefully they were just joking and teasing each other. That said, I do believe there has been a lowering of moral standards in terms of what is acceptable in public.

People used to be ashamed of their actions in some cases. Now it seems there is no shame.

Hang in there.


I travel by train up and down the east coast and have witnessed women on the phone, on the train non stop for hours just flapping their lips about nothing
it's worse at the airport. I can't find any peace while wating for a flight; they just won't shut up


Demar....I agree....it seems that there is nothing to be ashamed of in public anymore. Hey all I have to do is walk away.


I just use good earplugs.....then you can watch their mouth flap endlessly with no audio...;-)


so it's not just me



Don't forget, stroker, we were the generation that espoused "free love", "expand your mind", "make love not war", "sex, drugs, & rock n roll". The generation before us was probably equally shocked at some of our behavior. The difference today, I believe, is that there is a total lack of respect for many of the values & ideas we hold dear. Do I think it's appropriate for young teens to swear like sailors in their everyday normal conversations? Absolutely not, but it sure is prevelent?

On a side note, but maybe related, did anybody besides me think that Miley Cyrus' "twerking" came off looking stupid; certainly not sexy or shocking? Some kind of cry for attention? I guess that I'm old and out of the loop.


Street Tracker
Dear Lord, the only thing I hate more than young people cursing up a storm, talking mucho and saying nada is old people complaining about it on the internet ;) haha *stands well back*


Don't forget, stroker, we were the generation that espoused "free love", "expand your mind", "make love not war", "sex, drugs, & rock n roll". The generation before us was probably equally shocked at some of our behavior. The difference today, I believe, is that there is a total lack of respect for many of the values & ideas we hold dear. Do I think it's appropriate for young teens to swear like sailors in their everyday normal conversations? Absolutely not, but it sure is prevelent?

On a side note, but maybe related, did anybody besides me think that Miley Cyrus' "twerking" came off looking stupid; certainly not sexy or shocking? Some kind of cry for attention? I guess that I'm old and out of the loop.

T-boy....I see a huge difference. When I was a teenager I hung with a pretty rebellious crowd. They got bikes before me , they smoked cigs and drank beer before me. BUT even the worst of the worst James Dean wanna be's did not throw it into the faces of strangers and not give a shit. Its like this is the way the teens will behave now and if we don't like it turn your back. I am changing.....I am very politely going to tell girls or boys that their foul mouth language is not appropriate especially with really young kids around. They can tell me to F off but hey.


Dear Lord, the only thing I hate more than young people cursing up a storm, talking mucho and saying nada is old people complaining about it on the internet ;) haha *stands well back*

Hear ya....but not complaining about it on the internet just jawing with my buds on NBR ;-)


Cafe Racer
Has anyone forgotten that one of the perks of NBR is that we don't get shit, fuck, damn and cunt censored! :D


A friend of mine and his wife drove several hours to have dinner with their daughter and her family.
He said they would not go again, why ?

The daughter , her husband and their two kids sat and texted during the entire meal, hardly a word was spoken.:pick:

He said he was struck dumb by this whole interaction


Cafe Racer
Shit I forgot....thx for fucking reminding me dick ;-)))

No problem there pig fucker! :banana::lol:

They say misery loves company so let me share something that will perhaps make everyone feel better. This isn't just an American problem. My wife and I often notice this when we take the boys out to dinner. We will look around and see folks eating their dinner but not even looking up to recognize each others presence much less actually speaking to one another. This isn't just the kids I'm talking about...parents too. It seems we are getting lost in the world of gadgetry and technology and sometimes the old way is indeed the best way. Sitting down together at the dinner table and actually speaking with each other....away from the boob tube and all Buck Roger devices out of hands reach and turned off. Sometimes I wonder the whole "social media" is actually another device that ultimately isolates even more from each other but that is definitely a rant of mine that I am not going to get into and believe it or not, it affects the military community as well.