

Just decided to write a haiku because I'm waiting for warmer weather.

Outside, snow comes down

Soon I'll feel the Sun again

My Bonnie fires up

Let's get those biker Haikus going guys!!
My wife bought me a journal for christmas because I'm a writer, whatever. She said that I've been spending "too much time on bikes" and that I need to reignite my other, more valuable, hobbies.

So a week later she snooped into the journal she bought me, saw that the only thing written in there was the "Parts to buy" list, and gave me some lighthearted ribbing over it.

I told her I'd make sure there was a haiku in there next time she went snooping.

She did go snooping, and here's what she found-

Silent, Dormant, Still,

Motorcycle in Winter,

What could be more sad?
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Blue Haired Freak
I hate my job,
I hate the snow,
But I love my Bonnie so!

How's that?

Nice sentiment, TB. But total FAIL on haiku. :)

You too, HickoryStick and Tejas94.


T-Boy tries haiku.
Hickory and Texas too.
Sadly, all FAIL.

or, if you want to be a dork and insist 'fail' has only one syllable:

Sadly, all three fail.
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A japanese form of poetry. 5 syllables, then 7, then 5. The first two lines should evoke a season, the last one should evoke a surprise. Now you know how cabin fever works during the Winter.


Maybe T-Boy, Texas and me (hickorystick?!) just enjoy breaking the "rules".:nose:

Nice sentiment, TB. But total FAIL on haiku. :)

You too, HickoryStick and Tejas94.


T-Boy tries haiku.
Hickory and Texas too.
Sadly, all FAIL.

or, if you want to be a dork and insist 'fail' has only one syllable:

Sadly, all three fail.