Why some harley riders give a bad name


I was riding home in my cage this afternoon from a farmers market I have a booth at and wanted to relate yet another reason some Harley Drivers give their ilk a bad name.
On a two lane road, traveling at the posted 60 mph, I spot three harley riders in the rear view. They followed along for a bit and on a double yellow line, one of them passes to the left, narrowly missing a car coming from the opposite direction and followed almost simultaneously by another one passing ON THE RIGHT in the "bicycle lane" strip, the other one still behind, not to be left behind, passed again on the left on the double yellow line.
All three were "typical" harley riders, two with doo rags for helmets and one with a soup bowl half helmet on, all three wearing some kind of "colors" on their backs and making enough noise so you could hear them.
Again, I watched them do the same thing with the cage right in front of me, one left, one right and another left on the double yellow line.
About all I could do was shake my head in disbelief at their techniques and would not be surprised if they become a statistic one of these days...
Just sayin.....
What gives them a bad name to me, and this is not all mind you, but seems the majority. Is that I nod as I do to all bikies. And 9 times out of ten with Hardley boys. I get totally ignored!


Two Stroke
What gives them a bad name to me, and this is not all mind you, but seems the majority. Is that I nod as I do to all bikies. And 9 times out of ten with Hardley boys. I get totally ignored!

That happens here alot too...with a "Frozen Chosen" look on thier face.


Agree ++++ I wave or nod ALL riders....just me....
At least 50% of Harleys.....IF....they see what I am riding do not acknowledge....
Ah welllllllllll
I haven't experienced that attitude with the Harley guys here in North Carolina. Even when I was riding a borrowed Yamaha 250 the Harley guys would wave. Maybe they thought is was a sportster.


Street Tracker
Harley guys don't wave because their bikes handle so bad they can't take their hands off of the bars.


What gives them a bad name to me, and this is not all mind you, but seems the majority. Is that I nod as I do to all bikies. And 9 times out of ten with Hardley boys. I get totally ignored!

Same thing happens to me, so if they can't be sociable then why should I tell them about the radar ahead.

Same thing happens to me, so if they can't be sociable then why should I tell them about the radar ahead.


Well Jewel, these days I don't consider riding a sociable thing. Back in the 60's I waved to all bikes large or small, British or Jap. Over the last 15 years the feet forward riders have ignored the brotherhood to the point that I have given up and don't notice other bikes on the road, it's all traffic. I ride for my personal pleasure and usually avoid places that motorcycles gather, exception, I still go to classic bike events.


Not really bashing Harley riders Gretsh but bashing riders who drive like idiots, if they had been squids I'd have still bashed them as well or any rider who disregards rules of the road designed to help you drive safely.
Traffic signs and yellow lines are not a suggestion of how you should drive but are there for a reason. You can choose to disregard road signs and lines but you can also put not only your life at jeopardy but the lives of other drivers as well.
Just sayin'


Street Tracker
I've been snubbed the wave by GS riders, Sport Bikers, etc. etc. I have to admit, the cats on the cruisers seem to snub the wave with some attitude though. It cracks me up and I find myself takin' bugs in the teeth as I cruise along with a big ass grin. I'll just keep wavin' to everyone and will continue to appreciate it when I get a wave back.
Ride on brethren.........:up:


It is not really a HD bash thread........
Bashing idiot drivers what ever they drive.......

I enjoy the road camaraderie....Its always nice to get a nod or a wave.....nice when you meet at a gas station or vista and have a chat.....

My office is across the street from our best coffe house. The other day there were two beemers a goldwing and a kawa stopped and everyone was looking at a beemer rear tire. So wandered over....they were from SanDiego ......the tire had a nasty deep cut exposing cord...real blow out threat. So I called around and found a tire for the gent....talk ed the tire shop into staying open to allow these guys to make the 45 minute ride down. Rider got a new tire.

Next day when I went for my morning coffee I had a paid for cup each day for a week.....



Depending on the day and my mood I either wave or don't. I've also noticed when you're in the mountains here, not much use in waving. Curves ahead dontchaknow. BUT... on the flats it's a different story. Mostly wave backs.

The thing I get a bit aggravated about is when I'm at a light and there's another rider right next to me (usually a Harley) and I say Hi and he totally ignores me,,,, that pisses me off. It's pretty damned rude in my opinion. And it's also rare, which is good cuz I usually leave the guy in the dust when the light turns green and salute him in a rude manner.
It does seem on my part a Harley bashing. But this is simply not true. I ride regular with Wildrides and they all ride Harleys. I am in fact the only rider on a different model. A nicer set of guys I dont know. And we of course give each other heaps. Being in the minority I get it the most tho :) But it is all in good fun.
But there is most def a problem with a lot of other HD riders as I can pretty well relate to all comments made in this thread. Obviously these problems happen with other model riders as well, it just seems to happens more with those on HD