Back in the saddle.


Street Tracker
After 10 months of chemo and radiaion therapy I'm out the other side and looking forward to getting on with my life.
Not even gonna think about whether it all worked or not.......fuckit, it did and that's that!
Right off, I've got to thank all you guys for your words of encouragement. They helped me keep my focus and maintain a sense of normality during a stressful time.
Managed to get a few short rides in, some of which I've posted, and also got some maintenance in on the Bonnie.
In keeping with the adage, "Here for a good time, not a long time", my wife and I are planning to spend a good deal of 2010 travelling.
Jan 3 we're flying up to Queensland's Gold Coast where I'm going to swim, swim, swim. Build up some lost upper body strength.
Late March, early April, we're planning to fly to Vancouver:canada:, up to Big White for a week to babysit our grandson while his parents snowboard. Back to Vancouver for a week to have a sightsee. Fly to Toronto, possibly hire a car there and drive down thru New York to NYC:usa:. Spend a week there then fly across to San Francisco for a sightsee then home.
Well, that's the plan anyway. Pretty flexible really, not interested in Disneyland, Hollywood and the tourist circus. More interested in getting off the beaten track and meeting real Canadians, real Americans.
We would appreciate any tips on best places to stay, car rental, shit like that. The itinarary may change a bit depending on availability of flights etc.
Oh, and are there any baseball games being played in NYC in April? I would love to see a big baseball game in a large stadium. I can do that while my wife takes in the Guggenheim.
2010 is going to be a good year for us and I'm looking forward to continuing my involvement in this great forum. It's great talking to you guys and reading your posts.
:cheer:To all of you, have a Merry Xmas and a Happy, Healthy New Year!!:cheer:

Aye yours,
Can't help with recommendations for North America.
When you get down my way in January I will do my best to show you why Wollongong out shines Newcastle.


Street Tracker
Consider me your Adirondack to New York City guide.

Thanks Sal.
Looking at Google Earth, a possible route we could take is Toronto to Montreal via Ottawa or via Prescott and Cornwall then down RT87 to NY.
What type of weather can we expect in early/mid April? Do you suggest we rent a 4WD?

Sal Paradise

Early to mid april the snow shoud be gone (although freak snow storms can occur that late) and it will be that time when the first warm days occur here and there to tease us. Mostly we have cool days with highs around 55.

I would get a regular car.


Wobbly........If you get to San Fran consider this.........
I live in Cambria on the coast.....half way between SF and LA......
HWY one from Carmel to Cambria through BIG SUR is one of the most scenic and beautiful drives in North America. Cambria is 3+ hours from Carmel. Rent a car and drive down. Would like to meet you ....I'll buy lunch.....
Hope you meet some great people in the US! We get a bad rap most of the time, but I don't think we deserve it. If you were coming to Boston I'd meet up, but you want to see the YANKEES?!?!? haha

They're a great team. The regular season usually starts around April 1st, so you might be in luck. They've got a brand new stadium too! Last year was the first season there and they won the big show.

Good luck with your trip man. Have a ton of fun.


Street Tracker
Early to mid april the snow shoud be gone (although freak snow storms can occur that late) and it will be that time when the first warm days occur here and there to tease us. Mostly we have cool days with highs around 55.

I would get a regular car.

Got all that Sal...started compiling our intinarary yesterday with my snowboarding son....doing it all on Internet, flights, car rental, accommodation......really appreciate your info.

Wobbly........If you get to San Fran consider this.........
I live in Cambria on the coast.....half way between SF and LA......
HWY one from Carmel to Cambria through BIG SUR is one of the most scenic and beautiful drives in North America. Cambria is 3+ hours from Carmel. Rent a car and drive down. Would like to meet you ....I'll buy lunch.....

Thanks LMT......that Carmel to Cambria drive is on my list of things to do after I saw some pics posted on the other Bonnie forum by a guy who shoots from the hip. Fantastic scenery. If we can hook up, that would also be fantastic. As the time gets closer and I've got dates organised, I'll PM you all.

Hope you meet some great people in the US! We get a bad rap most of the time, but I don't think we deserve it. If you were coming to Boston I'd meet up, but you want to see the YANKEES?!?!? haha

They're a great team. The regular season usually starts around April 1st, so you might be in luck. They've got a brand new stadium too! Last year was the first season there and they won the big show.

Good luck with your trip man. Have a ton of fun.

thearticsea.....I know we'll meet lots of great people in Canada & US. I've met a lot of Canadians and Americans on my surfing/diving trips in the South Pacific and we've all got on great. I just have to remember to speak clearly and not use too many colloqualisms. Aussies have a bad habit of doing that....although after a few shells of Vanuatu kava, everyone speaks the same language.
It's the Boston Red Sox you follow, right? I'll make sure I don't align myself with any one team. We're a peace loving nation and besides, I'm a lover not a fighter.

Cheers all,
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Street Tracker
So when I come to Australia you'll teach me some colloquialisms?

Sorry thearticsea, I didn't pick up on this post until today.
I've been busy with Xmas and all that carry on. Also took a quick vacation up to the Gold Coast in Queensland with the better half.
So, while you guys have been freezin' ya butts off, I've been laying around in the sun, swimming and generally being a surf bum.

Yes, you will definitely have to come down to Oz and if you do, I will teach you some 'Stralian slang. Not a problem.
One thing for sure, you will NOT have the type of weather here like that which you've experienced recently as shown in your Project Zone post.

: / Don't remind me...

The news is buzzing this week because it's going to be warming up by the weekend... 29 degrees!!

I used to love the winter. Now I just want to move. Oh well.

I'd love to go to Australia. That'll definitely happen at some point. How long is the flight? I went to Japan on a 14 hour flight, but I've heard Aus is even further.


Street Tracker
: / How long is the flight? I went to Japan on a 14 hour flight, but I've heard Aus is even further.

From the east coast of US it's probably about an 18-20 hour flight to Sydney. Qantas, plug in an Ipod and ask the fight attendant to keep the Aussie beer flowing. After 20 hours of drinking Fosters or VB or Tooheys, you'll step off the plane in Sydney with a hangover, a suntan and an Aussie accent.....such is the power of the brown elixir from "down unda".

On the bright side, you'll swear like a trooper, you'll have an acquired tolerance to shark bite and all the stinging creatures existing in Oz (and there are a few) and you'll acquire an uncontrollable urge to eat meat pies and anything with Vegemite on it.