Somebody stop me!


Street Tracker
Just returned last night from an 1800 mile round robin from Jackson Hole to Telluride, Four Corners, Monument Valley, Lake Powell, Capital Reef and back North through Vernal UT. Yup, you're right.....Bonnie just doesn't cut it on long trips. Next time I'm taking the Scrambler. :)


Rock-On Tri! I rode back that way through SW Colorado last June while coming back from Monument Valley Arizona. Triumphs just don't tour well, ask Ted he only spent 4 years riding one around the world.

I am saving up my vacation time this year because my next trip will be to California, no GPS, no cup holders, just me and my Scrambler.



Street Tracker
Right on Ice. I've admired your pictures from your ralley last year a number of times. We have similar pictures being that both of our Scram's are red and white! This go around it was the Bonnie's turn and it performed flawlessly. I truly love both bikes and feel pretty fortunate to have one of each, (my Dad appreciates the extra bike around as well ;)). Photos are still cooped up in my camera but will post a few at some point.

Well Thruxtonian, I respect your decision and one really can't argue with being comfortable if you have the choice. But cruising the country on a New Bonneville of any model is just plain fun and cool in my book. Have a great trip and don't give up on the option of taking your Bonnie on an extended trip one day. You may have to stop every hour and a little bit for a stretch but she won't let you down. :c


Along ride is a long ride. For some reason it takes a few days to get into butt shape. If a ride is over the weekend you don't really get used to long hours in the saddle. But....... any trip on a bike is an adventure and should be treated that way.

You want more adventure, it's the bonnie, less adventure the wing.

Hamr Mark

TT Racer
hehe, took the words right outta my head.


I did about 4500 kms (Toronto to Halifax and back) on a naked Bonnie with stock seat. Didn't have a care in the world. Sure the GW will be more comfortable etc, that goes without saying, but to me, taking a GW, or similar for a trip is like beating up a little kid, there is no challenge. When you get back on the Bonnie, you will be able to say that 'the little bike that could' did.


I'm considering buying a BMW K1200LT for highway touring. My wife enjoys the occassional two-up hop to get burgers but wants to get something more comfortable for longer rides and trips. Who am I to argue?

Chris in NC

Street Tracker
I'm considering buying a BMW K1200LT for highway touring. My wife enjoys the occassional two-up hop to get burgers but wants to get something more comfortable for longer rides and trips. Who am I to argue?

Ah, yes.. the "Light Truck".. I ride with a buddy who's worn a hole in the lower-right side of the fairing on his LT... He thinks his LT is a friggin' FZ.. Nice bike, but still a bit to "luxurious" for me. I prefer the R1200RT.


comforting news

I'm considering buying a BMW K1200LT for highway touring. My wife enjoys the occassional two-up hop to get burgers but wants to get something more comfortable for longer rides and trips. Who am I to argue?

Kingbear, think about a sidecar man, those Beemers have some really great sidecars, great for the wife who wants more comfort and she doesn't have to look over your shoulder to see the view, notwithstanding, there is room for all of "her" know what I mean!!!!
Head over to
for a good look at the possibilities.
If I were going to get a new bike and car i'd go to Dauntless and have the guys there mount it for you. Don't forget about the Ural combinations....not great for 75 mph but a rugged bike for scenic cruising at a slow pace.


Street Tracker
OK, so for those of you who have done long rides, what shield are you using? I think the only think that'll make me really uncomfortable is fighting the wind. I have the flyscreen on there now, but that's not really big enough to help. I have a friend who has the summer screen (you out there Dan?) but he says it actually made the wind buffeting worse. So what's working for everyone out there?


I am using the Slipstreamer Spitfire, it works pretty good with a full face helmet and is quick disconnect and adjustable.


Street Tracker
I know it's a subjective thing, but I just hate the look of a big screen on the Bonnie. The summer screen is as big as I think I could go. And even then I'm not so sure...
I have just installed a summer screen I got from Thailand and am pretty impressed with the difference it makes and the look. I also dont like the big screen on a Bon but would imagine it would be good for long trips. Mine is similar to the dart and the type made by eaglescreens


Oh, I love the looks of a great big windscreen on a motorcycle. I'm still looking for a way to mount the windshield from a '53 Buick onto my bike. :D

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