California Riders


Dumb question but needs to be answered. I see a lot of users have done mods to their carb bonnes in california. What's the deal immissions? I'm a New Yorker and I'm considering moving out to California but even as is my bike would not be legal out there. I now want to strip the airbox and add preds. Any insight would be greatly appreciated. I know that British customs is out there so I know there is a way around this.
You can register an non Kalifornia emmissions vehicle if it was bought before the move into the state. Proof of out of Kalif residence when the vehicle was purchased should get you through the Kal DMV hurdle. Keep it stock, 49 state legal to avoid hassles. Good luck

Why in h*ll do you want to come to the Republik of Kalifornia? Jobs suck, wages are low, cost of living is extreme, taxes are atrocious. I Rx looking elswhere for a decent place to relocate.
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Try NY weather and see how much the cost of living is here. Wages good which all goes into rent and we have the crappiest weather of all cities minus maybe Chicago. Plus I'm a techie, all those jobs are in California. Thanks for your response though. This won't happen for a year or two.
Dumb question but needs to be answered. I see a lot of users have done mods to their carb bonnes in california. What's the deal immissions? I'm a New Yorker and I'm considering moving out to California but even as is my bike would not be legal out there. I now want to strip the airbox and add preds. Any insight would be greatly appreciated. I know that British customs is out there so I know there is a way around this.

This is from the DMV web site.

"f you are moving to California from another state, you may register a new federally certified vehicle in California if it was first registered by you in your home state, or for military personnel, in your last state of military service. When applying for vehicle registration in California, you must provide evidence of your vehicle's previous registration and that you were a resident of the other state when you acquired the vehicle."


Two Stroke
Out of state bikes must have more than 6,500+ miles to be registered in Ca. Less than 6,500 miles require Calif. smog certification (bike must be made for Calif. use from the factory). A friend just bought a Suzuki M109 from Utah only to find he needs to ride it another 300 miles before he can register it here.

six by six

Two Stroke
The mileage thing is true but I believe it is 7500 not 6500 miles. I'm in the military and can keep my Bonnie registered in Oregon. No smog checks yet, but it may happen.


Brother dear moved back into the Republik auf Kalefornia. So far he's had no problems registering his vehicles, but they are older and might be pre-CARB (California Air Resource Board). His Harley sounds like a Harley etc.


My bike has over 15,000 miles so I'm thinking I won't have a problem. I put almost 8,000 miles on this season alone! This is of great help, thank you so much.


No worries.

Arnold rides a Harley. It's in his best interest to avoid the whole smog thing. I wouldn't worry about it. Now if you owned a gun...?

You can register an non Kalifornia emmissions vehicle if it was bought before the move into the state. Proof of out of Kalif residence when the vehicle was purchased should get you through the Kal DMV hurdle. Keep it stock, 49 state legal to avoid hassles. Good luck

Why in h*ll do you want to come to the Republik of Kalifornia? Jobs suck, wages are low, cost of living is extreme, taxes are atrocious. I Rx looking elswhere for a decent place to relocate.

Hey Grumpy,
Why live in Calif - how about the weather, and the weather and oh yeah - the weather. It was 70 today in So Cal. I rode today, yesterday I got my T100's 500 mile service done and took a ride, and I'm riding tomorrow, and the next day. When spring and summer comes I'm fishing and riding, did I mention the humidity, opps that is because there is none! Lets see the best weather on earth, awesome ocean fishing, and my house is still worth twice what I paid for it, I kinda of like Calif, even with all it's "negatives". So Cal is the best!


Although we moved away I still consider myself a Californian and can't wait for the day I can move back to SoCal.


I lived in California til I was 16 and two of my brothers still live there. I always swear I'd never move back for the reasons mentioned above - economy, politics, etc... until I actually go there for a visit. The people, the place, the weather, it really is a great place to live.