Anyone ever want to just leave?

Sal Paradise

Yeah, leaving my dog would be tough...

I went up into the mountains one summer for a few days with the bike packed and just planning to sleep in my bag under the stars next to a lake. The roads emptied out and the bike carved it's way through the empty roads. About 300 miles in, I started to get this kind of zen feeling, like I needed nothing and that needing nothing was the way I was supposed to be. Like 100%in the present and not hungry, not thirsty, not lonely,not thinking, just at peace. It was waaay cool. For a few hours everything seemed to get really bright, especially the sky and color of the trees. So I stopped at a beautiful empty lake and meditated on a rock ledge by the water. The water was like glass. The zen feeling was there and really strong. I had no where to go, nothing to need, nothing to say. I just sat there appreciating everything and very at peace . There was no one around for miles, just me and the lake. It was pretty cool. I don't know if it was zen ( probably) or some moment of clarity . No way for sure to know how to get that feeling , I've only had it a few times. But if you find it - you will know it and it will do the trick for a looong time. It may not be that far away is the point. I went home a couple days later and acted "normal".
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