Anyone ever want to just leave?


If you move to the west, you will never want to go back east again.

ohh i know thats why im workin 2 jobs right now and savin up money so i can start my new life in the southwest and ride my motorcycle and start new relatioships and fun-ness


Good thread. Me thinks as riders (not squids or posers) we all have it our nature to want to just get the hell out more then someone who's into golf or something like that


And I just read this entire thread while sitting in a truckstop in OK eating oatmeal, it got me realizing that since getting out of high school in 94 I've only spent about a year going home every night. I have missed out o. Lots of stuff and messed up lots of stuff but I don't really regret too much. Props to geopilot,ALOT of people envy you. One of the times I just took off I ended up working as a deckhand on a supply boat out of Grand Isle,LA and I can't even swim. and thearcticsea, when it comes to familiy especially brothers you just gotta deal with it but you already know this. You should go for a ride though
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ohh i know thats why im workin 2 jobs right now and savin up money so i can start my new life in the southwest and ride my motorcycle and start new relatioships and fun-ness

When you get to AZ the only thing you'll miss about Philly will be your friends that are still there. The West is best dude


When you get to AZ the only thing you'll miss about Philly will be your friends that are still there. The West is best dude

ohHhhHh i know buddy, but im really out goin and ill meet new freinds, only thing ill miss is a real philly cheese steak and philly soft prezels.

Sal Paradise

Its great that some guys can sail off for adventures .Most guys, like me, got a chance to sail a forklift from midnight to 8 am. 6 nights a week.
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Ha! Sal I count on forklift drivers almost everyday and have resorted to bribery to get em in my trailer quicker

Sal Paradise

Yeah, haha - I used to feel so sorry for the drivers sometimes, marooned for hours and hours waiting for the truck to be loaded. Even earlier on in life I had a job as a lumper - thats a guys who stands at the gate outside the warehouse, rides in with the driver and for $60 unloads the truck.

The point I was trying to make - not everyone has the same chances. Its great thatguys like Geopilot and others here have so much skill and talent , but it sounds like he was very lucky too.Nothing wrong with that.

I read the sailboat story and it was amazing and no doubt he has awesome skills. And courage . But just to add a counterpoint, is all. I can tell you from experience there are guys just as smart and talented sitting on a loading dock somewhere who simply never had the same opportunity to own a 46 foot sailboat or get PhD. I am not talking about myself here , I have been more fortunate, but its what I saw on my way up the ladder, from the very bottom rungs. I graduated from architecture school and started right away loading trucks!

Again, not taking anything away from anyone, just a point.


:)You make a good point Sal, not everyone has the same opportunity for education.
As for the ability to take off, I think that goes more toward expectations and what you want out of life. I think most people are in love with the idea of being an individual, taking charge of their own life, making decisions . But the reality is that it's way outside their comfort zone and that is a huge obstacle for most to overcome.

In my own case I was given little choice, had a spot of trouble as a youngster with the law and the options that was presented to me were; either go in the service, or the judge had a special place for me. I took the service option and it allowed me to get out of my comfort zone, see the world and then I just kept on going afterwards.

I had the opportunity to hook up with a bunch of old class mates and friends many years later, and you know what; they were boring as spit, never did anything or went anywhere, other than a vacation to Disney or some crap. They married some dunce from the neighborhood had a bunch of kids and said that was what life had delt them. All of them said they wished they had the balls to cut the dock lines and get out of their life, but none ever did. I think that's the way it is for most people; willing to settle and never explore outside their comfort zone.
No slam on them, just was not right for me. Now let me get out my map and see where the next adventure begins.:cya:


TT Racer
I had the urge.. many times in the past. Last summer I was afforded the opportunity.

My wife left me, my job left me, and my Thruxton consoled me.

It isn't that expensive to go.

The hardest thing about it for me was the thinking, wanting, worrying and planning of the trip.
Once I threw a leg over, it got easy.

Do it.

...and if you get down to western NC I have a bed and a fridge full of beer.

do it.



Street Tracker
The best thing I ever did was put $400 in my back pocket and leave for the Cdn Rockies all the way from the isle of Newfoundland. Lived at the Y for a while in Banff until I found a job in Lake Louise. I lived the high life for over a year, skiing and hiking the mountains. I hooked up with a couple in a 68 VW Westfalia and then drove back from British Columbia to Newf. We drove through Montana, North Dakota, Wisconsin, Michigan, Ontario, Quebec,Vermont, Maine, New Brunswick, Nova Scotia and then hopped the ferry to the Rock. I have also been lucky enough to spend 2 months living with families in Costa Rica, while volunteering for an Environmental Leadership Program.

So, the moral of the story is there is no harm in getting 'sidetracked' for a few years. I did all of this while I could, knowing eventually the bills would come. I came home finished university and now I am working for a successful software company and doing fine. My one regret is that the x-continental tour wasnt on a bike :)


The best thing I ever did was put $400 in my back pocket and leave for the Cdn Rockies all the way from the isle of Newfoundland. Lived at the Y for a while in Banff until I found a job in Lake Louise. I lived the high life for over a year, skiing and hiking the mountains. I hooked up with a couple in a 68 VW Westfalia and then drove back from British Columbia to Newf. We drove through Montana, North Dakota, Wisconsin, Michigan, Ontario, Quebec,Vermont, Maine, New Brunswick, Nova Scotia and then hopped the ferry to the Rock. I have also been lucky enough to spend 2 months living with families in Costa Rica, while volunteering for an Environmental Leadership Program.

So, the moral of the story is there is no harm in getting 'sidetracked' for a few years. I did all of this while I could, knowing eventually the bills would come. I came home finished university and now I am working for a successful software company and doing fine. My one regret is that the x-continental tour wasnt on a bike :)[/QUOT

I've been to Dildo Newfoundland! That trip was for work in the refinery up there I think in St. John or is it Johns?... Anyway "Newfies" are some of th coolest people anywhere


Two Stroke
Yeah, I'm 21 years old, for 4 years I've been working my ass of only to afford a decent car and my own place.

But I just feel so trapped! At 21 I want to travel and get some life experience, not sit in an office 7-6 just so I can afford a "good" life. I think of selling my place, quit my job and get rid of most of my things, hop on the bonnie and ride south to the alps or italy!

As many said before me in this thread, you should do it while you can...



Whose woods these are I think I know.
His house is in the village, though;
He will not see me stopping here
To watch his woods fill up with snow.
My little horse must think it queer
To stop without a farmhouse near
Between the woods and frozen lake
The darkest evening of the year.

He gives his harness bells a shake
To ask if there's some mistake.
The only other sound's the sweep
Of easy wind and downy flake.

The woods are lovely, dark and deep,
But I have promises to keep,
And miles to go before I sleep,
And miles to go before I sleep.


American Infidel
Get on the bike and just get the hell away from everything you know? Anyone ever get that desire?

I'm really desperately frustrated.
Mmmmm . . . . no I kinda like my job, working 12 hour days and getting yelled at and always wondering if I'll be fired and lose my home and everything I own! Oh I also like going home after those exciting work days and getting shit from my wife until she goes to sleep; then me and the dog stay up and talk about world events! Lets see, attach a sidecar to my bike and drive off into the sunset with my dog . . . is that what your getting at?

Sal Paradise

Allright, I hesitate to wade in where we all fear to tread, but there is both a philisophic and spiritual aspect to the original question, no? I mean it's about more than someone pissing you off, or losing your job. It's about saving yourself isn't it? As our resident clergy, let me say this; You have to save yourself man. I know no one wants to hear about religion and this isn't proseletizing, just pointing out a few things written on the subject.

What benefit will it be to you
if you gain the whole world
but lose your own soul?
(Mark 8:36)

That's not to say, it's about Jesus or even organized religion, but it should be about being true to yourself. Here is another one

Large crowds were traveling with Jesus. He turned to them and said, "If people come to me and are not ready to abandon their fathers, mothers, wives, children, brothers, and sisters, as well as their own lives, they cannot be my disciples." So those who do not carry their crosses and follow me cannot be my disciples. (Luke 14:25-27 GW)

Allright - not a religious post here really. But it means to be truly free you have to be willing to give up even your family, and there is nothing wrong with it actually. Just some thoughts..
Mmmmm . . . . no I kinda like my job, working 12 hour days and getting yelled at and always wondering if I'll be fired and lose my home and everything I own! Oh I also like going home after those exciting work days and getting shit from my wife until she goes to sleep; then me and the dog stay up and talk about world events! Lets see, attach a sidecar to my bike and drive off into the sunset with my dog . . . is that what your getting at?

I just got a dog too!

Nick Morey

Oh no! I just got the picture of the final scene around the fire of "A Boy & His Dog", that old movie with Don Johnson where he & his dog are eating the remnants of that bitch who chased him through half the movie... Hey, they were hungry!

As for the thread's question... if you gotta go you gotta go.
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