Anyone ever want to just leave?

Get on the bike and just get the hell away from everything you know? Anyone ever get that desire?

I'm really desperately frustrated.


Every minute! Of course I'd want to take my wife with me. In any event you're not alone.

Hamr Mark

TT Racer

Get away and start all over. I know people that have done guy quit everything, job, wife and kid, and started touring as a 'carny'. Now I don't agree at all with him shirking his parental repsonsibilities, but to able to just get up and go, and stay gone...


You are not alone. I have so much to be thankful for......but...... I never thought at 59 years of age I would be looking at 10-15 years of more work due to our fucking economic melt down. I'm working 7 days a week now with liitle breaks Sat and Sun...but never the less it sucks. So yes......if I could I would drop everything and take my girls and leaveeeeeeeeeeeeee
Ok....back to work.....;-)
Hang in, press on....put the ehad down and keep moving forward
As suspected, everyone gets this urge every now and then.

Thankfully for most, myself included, a good drink and a night's sleep is all it takes to right the boat.

Thanks dudes.
Have to say that when I have had that urge I have just done it. Not on a bike tho, but many bikes have been used. Through just getting up and going, I have ended up living and working in a lot of countries and it was not always any better. But I have to say that the experience was something I will never regret. And I am far more content with where I am now than where I started.
The first time was the hardest as I had nothing and all my old friends were starting families buying a house etc while I was just travelling for 7 years. But the last time was easy as it was not so scarey and tho leaving a job of 15 years and having no income again, it made me realise after a few years that I was better off before. I have now been back in Sydney for about 3 years and have a good life with a very well paying job again I actually enjoy!
I think that same thing frequently, and its getting harder and harder to ignore it. I dont have a house, no wife and kids, so not quite sure whats stopping me; fear of the unknown i guess. Good to know im not alone.


If you think about it, it's only natural. People are nomadic, that's how our families (for those of us in the US) got here in the first place. I get those feelings all the time, a lot of what if's. Past, present, and future.


Two Stroke
every freakin day man, every day...

probably would've done it by now if I already had a camera and apple with final cut, hit the road and make some kind of documentary or whatever...right now I gotta say the urge to get momentum on my career overrides the urge to leave it all behind, but one day I just may hit the road with no plan or destination, just an idea and a tank of gas


I just took off once. Didn't have that great a job and the timing was right so I packed up the bike and left for a month. It was a great trip and I made lifelong friends, so it was worth it. Even with all that going on, in the back of my mind there was a little guilt guy tapping me on the shoulder.

Sal Paradise


There is an old Tom Wait's song that goes "Never saw my hometown, until I stayed away too long.."

what up anyway?

I have to say, the appeal of being elsewhere comes and goes.. but my relationships to my friends and family are vitally important.


PS......In October of 1970 my father died unexpectedly. Oct, Nov and Dec were numb for me. January 1st 1971 I got and moved from Montreal Canada to teh Cayman Islands. I had a friend there who was begging me to come down there and work. It was one of the best decisions I have ever made in my life. Get up and go with everything I owned in one bag and 150 bucks Canadian....
What's up? It's a long story but basically I've got this brother who has just always had things go poorly for him. Like, drastically, tragically poor for him.

I'm younger than him, but since I was 12 years old it seems like I'm always the one protecting, helping, trying to fix his situations, whatever.

Today some shit happened and it's just like "Man, can this guy get any fucking breaks?"
The trouble is, he can't. It's like he just can't get one success under his belt either because people fuck him, or he fucks himself.

I just heard some really ignorant shit today from within our own family and I was dumbstruck. I'm being oblique because this is a bike forum and all that. I'm not looking to get all emo on you dudes, just thought it might be something more people have wanted to do. Take a trip.

I just can't get a purchase on this situation.
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Two Stroke
If you think about it, it's only natural. People are nomadic, that's how our families (for those of us in the US) got here in the first place. I get those feelings all the time, a lot of what if's. Past, present, and future.

Its how humans got all over this entire planet. Didn't take long either. When humans first came across the Bering Strait some 14,000 years ago it took less than 1,000 years to spread from coast to coast and from what is now Alaska to the southern tip of South America!

You all should read "Guns, Germs, and Steel" by Jared Diamond. Bloody fascinating read, that.

If I cant hop on the bike for a ride I find that a glass of cold gin does wonders!!

Sal Paradise

Well, from your profile I see you are 26. Thats pretty young. I'd say give it some time because he is probably just learning what he can, as he goes. If there was one bit of advice I wish I could have had when I was 26, it would be - don't take life so seriously. Step back just a bit and allow some space for things to take their natural progression.

In that context,yeah - I think a trip would be the perfect thing to give you some perspective. Last summer I put a sleeping bag on the back of my bike and took off for the adirondacks.It was eye opening.
Every normal man must be tempted at times to spit on his hands, hoist the black flag, and begin to slit throats. -H.L. Mencken