Recent content by JimVonBaden

  1. JimVonBaden


    My Scrambler is now history. The new owner just heading back to NYC with it. :( Nice kid, and he was very happy! Anyhow, I'll post up the leftover parts in the flea market next weekend. I'll still drop in now and then to see what's happening! Jim :cool:
  2. JimVonBaden

    Blizzard back East

    10-20 more inches expected tonight. I guess it will be a few days before I get to ride again. Jim :cool:
  3. JimVonBaden

    What´s your profession?

    I work for the government, I have no skills! Jim :cool:
  4. JimVonBaden

    Peta Party

    My license plate says H82CAGE. The PETA people are always giving me the thumbs-up, until I pull into McDonalds!:eeek: Jim :cool:
  5. JimVonBaden

    Old Fart stories

    I want to be an old(er) fart some day. I already have some good stories, but I am saving them for old fartedness! Jim :cool:
  6. JimVonBaden

    Cycle World International Motorcycle Show

    I'm going to the DC one on the 15th. Anyone else? Jim :cool:
  7. JimVonBaden

    Age....give it up...If you wish to

    Sorry, that was 17 days before I was born!:eeek: Jim :cool:
  8. JimVonBaden

    mythbusters: semi nsfw

    You are a female???? Jim :brow
  9. JimVonBaden

    Merry Christmas Guys

    Jim :cool:
  10. JimVonBaden

    Drastic Lightening of Bike

    Might want to turn off that internal Jackass! Makes normally nice guys into assholes!:shh: Jim :cool:
  11. JimVonBaden

    Habour Freight's Dolly?

    Both made by the same company I'd bet. Personally I have never heard of one of these, or any HF lift or table lift failing causing an issue. I wouldn't pay more, just to pay more, thinking you are getting more without serious proof! Especially if it is not made in the USA. Jim...
  12. JimVonBaden

    Drastic Lightening of Bike

    I did the same several years ago! I lost over 100 pounds. Link Beware though, it is easy to backslide. I have managed to only gain back 20 pounds in 5+ years, but it is a constant struggle. Good luck! Jim :cool: PS Looks like I need to update my page.
  13. JimVonBaden


    18" here in Vienna. Just a little bit. Jim :cool:
  14. JimVonBaden

    Habour Freight's Dolly?

    I have a lot of experience with HF tools and stuff. 90% is great for occasional use. I have only ever broken one allen socket. I also have a HF lift and bike jack, both have been great, and a LOT cheaper than most! Jim :cool:
  15. JimVonBaden

    Racist idiots piss me off

    There is a definite difference between predjuduce and prudence!:lockit: Jim :cool: