

Well, my curiousity finally got the best of me and i went across the street and found out that the family had been evicted. #1 That's just plain sad and #2 the stuff they had to leave behind was put out on the street. So I've been spending the past few days watching people pick over the accumulation of years of stuff they had to leave behind.

It's like a scene out of the Great Depression and it's pretty depressing to watch. This bad economy has hit home.


Street Tracker
those motherfuckers on wall street have a lot to answer for , they not only fucked your economy but everyone elses.was going to buy my new bonnie but ive been put back to 2-3 days a week so the nessesitys come first. i bet those pricks still have all the shit they ripped on the average bloke.now i see why you want guns,someone should shoot them all. sad so sad for the people that lose everything through no fault of their own.
those motherfuckers on wall street have a lot to answer for , they not only fucked your economy but everyone elses.was going to buy my new bonnie but ive been put back to 2-3 days a week so the nessesitys come first. i bet those pricks still have all the shit they ripped on the average bloke.now i see why you want guns,someone should shoot them all. sad so sad for the people that lose everything through no fault of their own.

I've got a lot to say about this subject but the forum bans political comment and you'd only end up calling me a Red.


Many people lost everything exactly by their own fault. Overextending their credit, consumer greed, etc. There's plenty of blame to go around for our current economic condition, from DC to New York, Wall Street to Main Street, and well beyond the borders of the U.S.

Sal Paradise

Not politics I hope but economics. An autoworker or construction worker who looses his job, and thereafter house, etc. - thats not him getting in over his head. "Many people" did alot of things; Many people have climbed Mt.Everest. That really doesn't apply to the construction worker who gets laid off either. Its not the workers fault the bankers staged an incredible trillion dollar rip off and fucked up the country, and by extension the world. And got hefty bonuses to boot.


There is plenty of blame and sure a bunch of people made stupid mistakes and over extended themselves and try to live wayyy beyond means. It just seems though that the normal people always get hit the worst. Sure they shouldn't have got that ARM or 100% mortgage but the lenders marketed and sold that product. And that huge limit on the credit card....don't do it....but the huge credit card companies send you a letter in the mail every week with a pre approved credit card. The barrage of pressure/selling is amazing in the USA. It never fucking ends. You have to block your cell phones and home phones then they figure out away around that. They email you shit all the time and you put on firewalls and spam blockers. The tons of mailing....ridiculous. Then the banks cut off the flow of credit for a country based on credit because they created credit. They stop loaning BUT they get low or no interest money from us/feds start making billions and hey...we don't need to loan money to make money.....The Obama admin don't have the balls to stop bailing out and loaning the big boys our money so no credit. Until they start leanding again more and more normal folks will loose homes, college accounts for the kids, 401's etc etc. Don't get me going.....


Many people lost everything exactly by their own fault. Overextending their credit, consumer greed, etc. There's plenty of blame to go around for our current economic condition, from DC to New York, Wall Street to Main Street, and well beyond the borders of the U.S.

Well said.


TT Racer
There is plenty of blame and sure a bunch of people made stupid mistakes and over extended themselves and try to live wayyy beyond means. It just seems though that the normal people always get hit the worst. Sure they shouldn't have got that ARM or 100% mortgage but the lenders marketed and sold that product. And that huge limit on the credit card....don't do it....but the huge credit card companies send you a letter in the mail every week with a pre approved credit card. The barrage of pressure/selling is amazing in the USA. It never fucking ends. You have to block your cell phones and home phones then they figure out away around that. They email you shit all the time and you put on firewalls and spam blockers. The tons of mailing....ridiculous. Then the banks cut off the flow of credit for a country based on credit because they created credit. They stop loaning BUT they get low or no interest money from us/feds start making billions and hey...we don't need to loan money to make money.....The Obama admin don't have the balls to stop bailing out and loaning the big boys our money so no credit. Until they start leanding again more and more normal folks will loose homes, college accounts for the kids, 401's etc etc. Don't get me going.....

Just what I was thinking, but didn't know how to put it in words!!! Well Said!!:up::up::up::up:


Street Tracker
The best way to end up with some wealth is to not buy beyond your means and don't buy anything, except maybe a house on credit. Drive a junker. We did just that and are well off. I don't want to ever see interest unless sit is coming my way. I saw an old 70 bumper sticker on a new cadillac. It said "Bankers do it with interest, penalty for early withdrawal!"

Borrowing money for toys, new cars and more house than you can afford is just plain stupid.


There's plenty of blame to go around for sure. I hate the fact that the banking system got into the government's pockets. But let me say this. Everybody has to have some kind of banking system in place. A safe place to put their money other than a mattress, a place to borrow money for immediate needs and a place where they can earn a little interest on their savings. The thing I find terribly wrong in the banking system now is there are just too many nationwide banks and not enough regulation. I miss the good old days when you banked at the neighborhood bank and they knew you and you knew them. you could get a loan (or not) based on your personal information and not a computer score from headquarters five states away.

I can't really blame families who get in over their heads. Hard times can hit anyone at anytime. And if you dream at all you always hope your future will be prosperous for your you and your family.


There is plenty of blame and sure a bunch of people made stupid mistakes and over extended themselves and try to live wayyy beyond means. It just seems though that the normal people always get hit the worst. Sure they shouldn't have got that ARM or 100% mortgage but the lenders marketed and sold that product. And that huge limit on the credit card....don't do it....but the huge credit card companies send you a letter in the mail every week with a pre approved credit card. The barrage of pressure/selling is amazing in the USA. It never fucking ends. You have to block your cell phones and home phones then they figure out away around that. They email you shit all the time and you put on firewalls and spam blockers. The tons of mailing....ridiculous. Then the banks cut off the flow of credit for a country based on credit because they created credit. They stop loaning BUT they get low or no interest money from us/feds start making billions and hey...we don't need to loan money to make money.....The Obama admin don't have the balls to stop bailing out and loaning the big boys our money so no credit. Until they start leanding again more and more normal folks will loose homes, college accounts for the kids, 401's etc etc. Don't get me going.....

I remember the crazy amount that we qualified for when we bought our house years ago. But I still thought how are we going to buy food in that new house so we set our own amount based on what we wanted to spend, not what the bank said they would loan us. And as far as the junk mail pre approved credit cards and " pressure" call, I just say No. And if they keep calling I start saying Fuck No.
The best way to end up with some wealth is to not buy beyond your means and don't buy anything, except maybe a house on credit. Drive a junker. We did just that and are well off. I don't want to ever see interest unless sit is coming my way. I saw an old 70 bumper sticker on a new cadillac. It said "Bankers do it with interest, penalty for early withdrawal!"

Borrowing money for toys, new cars and more house than you can afford is just plain stupid.

I agree, although I wouldn't call myself well-off, but I have enough to live decently. However, if the whole country did this, our consumer-driven economy would be in a depression.

Churning consumer goods is what makes our economy go-go-go, although it isn't right, it isn't sustainable, it isn't good for our long-term survival on the planet, and having "stuff" ultimately doesn't make anyone happier, maybe the opposite for many people. It's a burden that they drag with them everywhere they go, like the cars I see around here packed to the roof racks and trunks with junk for a few days at the beach.
OK, I have a question. When someone is meeting their monetary obligations and then loose income to meet them due to reasons beyond their control, is it their fault?

Due to the F**ked up state/fed gov, here in CA, workers incomes were reduced and many eliminated some time ago. Luckily, MLW and I had some $$$ stashed aside and with cutting back, we have been able to "make do" so far, but our stash is dwindling away. Now the state/fed Gov wants to make the reductions to workers income significantly larger while jobs continue to be eliminated throughout the country.

How does the state/fed gov get away with spending, spending, spending, like drunken sailors and expect workers to make do with less while they keep on taking and spending $$$ on stupid stuff.

O,BTW, I didn't vote for the bastards that have done this to us. I SAY THROW THE BASTARDS OUT WHO ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR THIS!!!!!! ALL OF THEM, let some one with new ideas run things for awhile, it couldn't be any worse.:rant:


I haven't heard anybody say the every person put in this position,evicted,homeless,whatever,got there by their own doing.Sure,many bit off more than they could chew,and have had to pay the piper. Many have had this shit forced on them and some were just arrogant. There's no hard and fast answer. It definitely sucks.


Street Tracker
Personally, I would like to see the number of government employees, agencies and operations reduced at every level of government. It is a huge drag on society and most of the time causes more problems than it helps.


there is no confidence in our economy
each quarter I watch my retirment investments drop
last month I invested $5200 and lost $8000 in only one account!
I should have bought another bike with the money
I wonder about those advertisements about buying gold. Sorta sounds too good to be true but------- other investments are in the tank, it might be good to pick up some now, except just like everything else now, the only one who'll make $$$$ is the broker you buy it from. Whadda ya'll think?:d


Well, in any hard times gold is something that people invest in because it's tangeable and it won't go away. BUT.... if you are thinking of investing right now in gold it might be on the down swing and you'd have money tied up in something that will lose value.


I think the best heavy metal to invest in is lead, in a brass case with smokeless powder. With that you can get anything else you need.