What's a guy to do?


Wait. What is the value of the parts in question? I mean, I'm all about doing the right thing, but if by "parts" we're talking about two stickers and a zip tie then you've already earned a major credit in your karma account. It's not rationalizing to know when the value of time and money outweighs the value of the product. It's just being... rational. :)


I would have sued the parts company for harassment and emotional distress. The parts would have been stored as evidence. After my victory in court - my attorney and I would split the half million the jury awarded. It's the American way.


Actually make sure you hurt your back picking up the box and slip and fall. Get lots of phone video of you in pain, limping, crying because you can't ride your bike. Hire a team of those TV lawyers the ones that want you to eat asbestos then call them. Go for the gold, the big encalada, sue them out of business.
After you wake up from that dream call em send it back to them and make sure they cover the postage. No matter how many times you do it.....something will come back your way someday.