What's a guy to do?



I ordered some items, online, for the Thruxton. The items arrived by mail and I quickly installed them. Three days later the same items show up in my mailbox again. I took them to the post office and had the package returned to sender. I informed the vendor, who was appreciative.

A month goes by, and guess what turns up in the mail this morning...the same damn parts. These things ain't cheap either and neither is the shipping.

I know what I'm gonna do, but what would you do?


Blue Haired Freak
Call the vendor and ask them to send you a prepaid box to return the parts, if they want them back, and inform them that the next box of unwanted parts is going on eBay.


Street Tracker
if it is costing you nothing, which addressing the package "Return to sender" normally doesn't, then just send them back, again letting the vendor know what you are doing. I am a great believer in Karma.

Sal Paradise

I'd hold onto the parts for a while, depending on what they are, and then sell 'em.

I mean, how may times are you supposed to send them back?


I'd hold onto the parts for a while, depending on what they are, and then sell 'em.

I mean, how may times are you supposed to send them back?

These return trips to the post office are costing me money. I could sell 'em and donate the money to charity.


NBR founder
I could sell 'em and donate the money to charity.

Strippers and booze?

Keep your morals about you and do the right thing. Call the vendor. Tell them your position and ask that you be compensated for your time/gas to return those items.


Strippers and booze?...

Now yer talkin'!

I think I'm gonna jump on the bike at lunch time and take the package to the post office. I'll email the vendor and let 'em know they screwed up again.

The vendor just gave me an excuse to get the bike out. I can't fault 'em for that.


Good job, doing the right thing.

"It seems that not everything in this world is venal."

Thanks. There was never any doubt in my mind as to what to do. My Momma raised me right.

I just got back from the post office, and just now tried to email the vendor. I'm working from home today, and now, for some reason, cannot connect to the email server at the office. You'd think karma would be on my side...sheesh.


Wait till you get charged three times for the same parts...

We'd all do the right thing...... I think.

Sal Paradise

Well if you do decide to return them, make sure before you do - you speak to the owner of the company personally on the phone and let him know what is happening.


Cafe Racer
Return them but tell the vendor that if it happens again then they belong to you...that is more than fair as it would be the third time! Your circle of karma will then be complete and you will have 1,000 virgins waiting for you on the other side.


Street Tracker
what are the parts? Maybe i'll buy them from you if you are feeling less inclined to be civil a second time

Sal Paradise

allright.. very nice but if they mail them to you again - strippers and booze!!!!

and no arguing about karma!!!
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Return them but tell the vendor that if it happens again then they belong to you...that is more than fair as it would be the third time! Your circle of karma will then be complete and you will have 1,000 virgins waiting for you on the other side.

A thousand virgins huh? Keep talkin'.


Cafe Racer
A thousand virgins huh? Keep talkin'.

And they all will each have a Triumph that they will maintain in pristine condition for your liking. The only rule is that you have to take care of the virgin care taker after you enjoy the Triumph. This is level of karma we are talking about right now!!!!!!!!!!!