Seat mod to T100


Street Tracker
Looks great mate, very nice. You know she will probably enjoy the Contemporary seat more than stock one anyway. All my pillions did.
Thx David. Next time I take her for a spin, I'll remove just the cowel and let her sit on the gel seat. I'm pretty sure she'll let me know soon enough whether she comfortable or not. She's a woman!

You kicked a goal with that paint job, well done.
Damn fine look man! Really completes the bike, if you know what I mean.

Thx Kevin & Arctic, yes I know what you mean. Putting your own signature on your bike makes it stand out from the rest.

Sunday morning went for coffee at my favourite haunt (Lexies on the Beach at Stockton-next time you're up Kevin, I'll shout you coffee there. Best coffee in Newie.) and when I came out, there were about 5 or 6 guys, let's say mature age, standing around admiring my bike. That's a nice feeling.
Sunday morning went for coffee at my favourite haunt (Lexies on the Beach at Stockton-next time you're up Kevin, I'll shout you coffee there. Best coffee in Newie.) and when I came out, there were about 5 or 6 guys, let's say mature age, standing around admiring my bike. That's a nice feeling.

I'll come to Newcastle with the promise of a good coffee, will try to make it soon. Remember you and Clare have a room (refurbished since your visit) reserved when in the Illawarra.