<--- Newbie


Street Tracker
welcome aboard

get yourself a new Bonnie, preferably black n white. they are a great bike and I have no regrets with mine.

removing the air injection just gives you better access to the plugs. cant say I noticed any improvement. good idea to keep it stored away in case you have to reinstall it.



Hey, has anybody here ever seen the movie "Sybil?" I don't know what brought that on sorry. Anyway, welcome to NBR Instereo, I'm new to the forum too. Don't feel bad about jumping from a Vespa to a Bonny. I went from a honda 90 to a Honda Hurricane back in 87 I never regretted it. Well, maybe a few times when I was crawling out of bed in the morning and my road rash had stuck to the sheets Hahahaa...seriously! We can't all go from a Western Flyer tricycle to a Bonneville 900. I'm in Santa Barbara so if you ever head up this way on your Bonnie, pm me and we'll hook up. Bob
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