Miserable User


NBR founder
While discussing things with some other forum owners/moderators on how to improve the operation and management of an online forum, one of the guys (I assume it's a guy) mentioned an add on feature or patch for the software described as 'the Miserable User feature ...it's a great alternative to banning someone and makes them think there are server problems.'

Sound like some sites you might have heard about? :rolleyes:

Dont worry - I'm not adding that bullshit here as a coping device with unwanted registrants. If you get warned here a few times to chill or you're only here to cause a disruption - you'll know exactly what happened. There's really no surprise or puzzle to figure out. This thing of 'they think the server is slow so they get tired of trying to navigate the site and go away on their on' is a bunch of pansy crap. Non-confrontational methods of dealing with a problem = pussy. Just sayin ...


Street Tracker
Confirmation of what many of us suspected. :wtf:
Tho' you wont get those miserable control freaks admitting as much.
Good to hear what's actually going on in others' closets.


NBR founder
Not trying to be paranoid, but is this thread about me? :huh:

No. This thread is about no one here and I wasnt trying to be particular. Just sharing some new info I learned about this common forum software - and the fact that you're never too old to keep learning or how pussified some people can be. :)


Well I go to all the Triumph sights I can find and I must say that this place seems to be well kept despite rumors and what not. Typically I would not even comment on a discussion that mentions other forums. I wish there was not conflict among them but I guess that is just not possible in the real world. I think it is great that if I screw up here I will be told what I did wrong so I can improve my somewhat lacking internet skills.:c


Bonafide: Speaking for myself I would rather hear from you that I did something wrong or broke a rule rather than a piece of software. This way things can be corrected before they get out of hand. For the most part every member of this forum seems to respect other member's opinions and differences. It's these differences that make the world an interesting place to be, and although most of us don't personally know the people we're reading about and communicating with, there is a genuine caring and warm feeling that permeates this forum. Let's face it...there are a lot of witty and knowledgeable people that fill these pages.


Two Stroke
Damn, I thought I did something to piss off a moderator and all it is, is my slow dial up connection.:lick:


I don't know if you were aware of this, or not, bonafide, but you are being accused of just exactly this on some of the other sites.

I generally try not to be a douchebag, sometimes successfully, so I hope I don't find out.

When will it be warm again?


Let the pussies talk, it keeps the weak and meek away.
A lot of us left THAT site for just that sort of douchebaggery.


NBR founder
I don't know if you were aware of this, or not, bonafide, but you are being accused of just exactly this on some of the other sites.

I generally try not to be a douchebag, sometimes successfully, so I hope I don't find out.

When will it be warm again?

yeah? :shh: rumor has it you're in the middle of those mealymouthed conversations too rndtaylor, so you might want to tread lightly. I mean, ya wouldnt want some of their whiney-ass hypocritical poo gettin on ya, right? ;)

As for any of the numbnuts who dont have a clue why they're no longer allowed here? It's kinda simple and no I havent gone off the deep end, lost my mind, let power go to my head, kicked my dog, subscribed to racist magazines, or any other bullshit reason they've tried to propagandize. I would put it along the lines of, maybe they should learn to follow the rules. But how sad, their stupidity knows no bounds. The end result in the pruning, the forum flows so much better without their daily bitching, crying, arguing about a bunch of non-sense.

Have a nice day rndtaylor. :)


This is the only bonnie forum I frequent, Its horribly annoying that the wussification of these sites happens. People are too damn afraid to reprimand appropriately. Kudos to you Dude for not being a pussy, and keeping this place how it ougt to be. Fuck them if they can't hack it and have to bitch on other sites, perhaps if they learned to read or had the cogent abiltiy to interpret the rules of the site they might shut the fuck up.
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yeah? :shh: rumor has it you're in the middle of those mealymouthed conversations too rndtaylor, so you might want to tread lightly. I mean, ya wouldnt want some of their whiney-ass hypocritical poo gettin on ya, right? ;)

You have never given me any reason to say anything bad about you, so I haven't.

I do not know what you are talking about. Are you putting me on notice, because of "rumors"?


NBR founder
You have never given me any reason to say anything bad about you, so I haven't.

I do not know what you are talking about. Are you putting me on notice, because of "rumors"?

You dont know what I'm talking about yet you're here spreading your own rumors that I'm accused on other sites of using the Miserable User patch offered by vbulletin? Cause, unless you were involved in some other thread and managed to get sidetrack in your line of reasoning, that's what this thread is about. So ... please dont piss down my back and tell me it's raining, k?

My advice sir, not notice, was mind who you hang out with cause you never know when public perception turns to labeling you guilty by association.

Now, the 'notice' - if you need one - you are welcome to be involved in this forum, but if you (or any of the others) who seem to like playing both sides of the fence with the drama-queens - be careful not to lose your balance of neutrality. I no longer have the patience for it.


I was not spreading rumors when I told you that others have accused you of using the miserable user patch. I thought you deserved to know, if you did not already. I am not pissing down your back, or telling you it is raining. I am not part of all of the crap that happened with you, and the others. I am not involved with that, and do not want to be. I am not playing both sides of the fence, I just want to hang out, and not be bothered.

I am not your enemy. I am sorry I ever brought it up.


NBR founder
Were you not paying attention when I stated that I'm not using the Miserable User patch and only found out about just the other day or was I not clear about this originally? Or were you trying to call me a liar and using the 'rumor has it' as a segue for that accusation?

If someone is having trouble getting access to this site - then it's probably one of the following reasons. The server is down. The server is offline while routine maintenance is being performed. The person's ISP or modem isnt working properly. Otherwise, if they're banned, they get a forum message stating they're banned when trying to sign on.

Now, let's recap this conversation so you cant played dumb with me again, ummkay?

I havent gone off the deep end, lost my mind, let power go to my head, kicked my dog,
subscribed to racist magazines, or any other bullshit reason they've tried to propagandize.


I had never heard of the patch either. If you thought I was calling you a liar, I am sorry, that was not my intent. If I thought you were a liar, I would say so. I have no reason to think that. My "rumor has it" segue was exactly that. Information for you. Nothing more.