I could have been killed


TT Racer
I was going down the interstate with my friend behind me in a car.
I spotted in my mirror an idiot speeding, lane changing aggressive.
I prepared and changed lanes to avoid being hit when he cut my friend off. Here is where "I" went wrong, I flipped the car off. :finger: The car slams on his brakes, drives beside me and aims a gun at me. I slowed down, he pulls in front of me and brake checks. At this point we are going 40 mph, he changes lanes and flashes his gun more. So I downshift and hit 110 mph. I go over a bridge, the bike jumps and lands fine. I'm still twisting and then tank slappers start. Moral of the story don't flip assholes off and don't over lower the front on a Thruxton. This guy didn't make me almost wreck, but the bike did. I thought more gas, maybe the bike would snap out of it. Nope!
I was very lucky the exit I took had a cop on the corner. Too Bad the guy was not caught.
I'll be looking for this car. Piece of shit, lowered, white Honda civic hatchback, with primer black hood.
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Fucking pricks, this is yet another reason I hate people. I carry my gun everywhere and have been flipped off cut off almost killed and have never considered even reaching for it, if someone pulled one on me though it would be there. Glad you are safe and sound, be careful there are too many retards out there


Yeah, these days it can be real dangerous to flip the bird. I've been run off the road deliberately, I've had a couple guns drawn on me, and I've not even flipped the bird. The one time I flipped the bird, I picked a real psycho who'd just run me up on a curb. I took off quick, and he was right behind me. I blew his doors off eventually, but at a risk that I'd not take anymore. Get the plate before you flip the bird. That way, you can turn the guy in. Drawing a gun will likely get him at least one night of 'cool down time' in the clink, if he cannot sufficiently justify it.
Glad you made it out of that, and the tank slapper..


Plenty of Whackos & Road warriors over here too but never had a gun pointed at me. Reckon it would scare the crap out me if it ever happened. Well done in getting out of it without getting broken, bent or blasted.

Think I will happily stay on my winding country roads in Tassie avoiding real wildlife (roos, snakes & wombats) rather than wildfire.


Friend in college flashed his gun at someone and did 3 years for assault with a deadly weapon...If you get an agressive DA you can do real time for shit like that.

Do they/ Can they take the gun & licence off the idiot or there is no such thing in the states due to the US constitution? Should throw away the key for attempted M!


TT Racer
I had a witness, chances are he would have been up shit creek. Our gun laws vary from State. Yes the reckless driving/road rage would have suspended his license. Intent to kill with vehicle and deadly weapon or whatever they call it. I'd think heavy fines maybe time.
I believe once you have a felony charge your not allowed to legally carry or own weapons at home in S.C.

The Guy might have been high on Steroids or something. Why was he that angry? Maybe he was trying to impress his lady friend. What a Keeper! I couldn't imagine being that passenger. Loser!
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TT Racer

Glad you are ok!

There are idiots everywhere.

P.O.S. Honda lowered with a primered hood...that's most of them, isn't it?



When any of us ever assumes another driver is reasonable, we lose. Assume everyone is out to get you, and you will live a lot longer. It's unfortunate, because it takes a lot of the 'free spirit' out of it all--but it's the reality of things.

This summer past, I was run onto the gravel shoulder whilst doing 65MPH by an overzealous state trooper who was clearly more interested in catching a cage doing 5 over than he was for my life.

Road rage in VA can carry a much higher penalty than brandishing a gun, but that aspect is circumstantial. You could convince the police he brandished a gun, (because he had to for you to see it in a cage), but he could easily claim that you were being a menace to him, and he felt he had to send you a warning. If a trooper had witnessed the event, he'd be up a creek.

The most important thing is that you're still here, and your warning is a very healthy reminder of just how dangerous it can be on the slab.


TT Racer
The wisest rider I ever met told me "ride like they're all trying to kill you"
this is a bit of an extreme example - but a good reminder of such.

Thruxie, I don't understand what caused the tank slappers - just started randomly at a certain speed, or in turns, braking? What front suspension do you have?


Street Tracker
I knew i should have called you. You could have rode Warwoman, 28, 107, 130, 11, 178. The only crazies there was me!:rock:


NBR founder
Thruxie, I don't understand what caused the tank slappers - just started randomly at a certain speed, or in turns, braking? What front suspension do you have?

As I read it, she had just landed after doing a McQueen over a bridge at high speed. If that's the case, crossing up your bars while you were airborne and not getting them straight before landing will cause a significant 'ahh shit' moment if a wobble starts from it or just landing with your weight fwd and heavy on the bars ...