how to spend my money?


I moved back to NC. about 7 years ago after a long time in FL.
I cannot recommend FL at all as a place to live.

NC. is pretty nice , it is never too cold or too hot for too long , property is reasonable , taxes and insurance are reasonable most places here. I am in the Piedmont area, about 2.5 hours from the highest of the mountains, 45 minutes from the BRP, and 4 or 5 hours from the east coast.
Good medical and educational facilities close by, a thriving arts and entertainment area.

Winston Salem area is highly rated as an area to retire in.

I would also look closely at TN. I am told the taxes are less there.


can I get some input from folks in various areas of the USA?
I'm in CT and will leave next year
How is life in Kentucky, Tenn, the Carolinas, Arizona, Utah, etc
what do you like or dislike about your home state?
taxes, environment, weather, people??
we won't want to talk about this stuff soon as spring is almost here and we will be riding

Our winters are mostly cold mud, not much snow. Summers can be hotter than the gates of hell. I would not live any where else, but there are some wonderful places elsewhere I like to visit.


TT Racer
What about NJ?? Hah!! I like my area but I wouldn't want to retire'd have to die early to afford it!
I spent a lot of time in FLA at relatives..too many old people!! Driving was a nightmare in some areas...looked like hats driving Caddys 25 mph everywhere in front of you.
Better learn how to slow it down if you are going south. It's a great lifestyle but difficult for rushing Metro NY people to get used to...but I'm looking forward to that. I love the southern hospitality..sure beats someone yelling at you like we get!


Street Tracker
I did some work on my retirement plan last week.
I figure I should be able to retire about 5 years after I'm dead.


Street Tracker
I spent a few months on the job in Bowling Green, KY... can't say I'd recommend the unbridled spirit of Kentucky, but the Corvette museum was cool.


Take 3 months off spend a week getting the house and junk in order. Take a 1 week ride, get stuff in order. take a 3 week ride. go some where you always wanted to but never had the time or money. take day trips to eat at new places well off the main road. buy road food, go see the people at work. you will then not want to go back full time. buy new motorcycle gear, laugh too load and talk to strangers check back in tell us how it all worked out
Never underestimate the drawing power of the garden state:)

Nice Dogma quote.

Texas would be great for you from the sounds of it. You just have to get used to the heat here. I think it is well worth the tradeoff when I watch the Weather Channel during winter storms up North.


Take 3 months off spend a week getting the house and junk in order. Take a 1 week ride, get stuff in order. take a 3 week ride. go some where you always wanted to but never had the time or money. take day trips to eat at new places well off the main road. buy road food, go see the people at work. you will then not want to go back full time. buy new motorcycle gear, laugh too load and talk to strangers check back in tell us how it all worked out

does Kenny Roberts still live in Modesto?
if you see him tell him Dave says hey (I'm sure he will remember me from 1971)


Street Tracker
I am due to retire in a little under seven years. My lad will be 16 and my daughter will be seven and a bit. I should have an okay pension { subject to her majestys goverment }. My other half will still be working for a while after so I will be looking after the house etc.

We will move to the country and chill. I will be happy with the occasional spin on the bike and giving my head a much softer ride that its been having a the last few years. Maybe get a project to tinker with in preparation for days out with my lad who is to have my Bonnie when he is old enough.

One thing I want to do is have a beer with my lad in a pub, something I never did with my father as he went to soon.
Maybe when she is old enough, a road trip with both my kids. Whatever.

Thats not to say that I am wishing my life away but I am working now to allow me to do this. I will be 55, my other half will be 45, when I walk away with my watch.



retirement at 55 is very seldom possible here in the US
I am looking forward to leaving Connecticut; a corrupt state run by cowards and morons


TT Racer
When you find that nirvana state of non-corruption and smart politicians please clue me in for when I'm ready to retire. Unfortunately I'm losing faith in our future in the US.


When you find that nirvana state of non-corruption and smart politicians please clue me in for when I'm ready to retire. Unfortunately I'm losing faith in our future in the US.

its a noble quest but I'm searching for it
is another round of "civil" discourse in our future?
we are a divided nation
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