Heres a good one

Mine is a twist on this thread.

I bought a Daytona 675 as my first bike. Had my share of accidents and what not.

2 years after getting a Daytona, the bike bug bit me hard and I told myself I better buy another bike instead of wasting it out at bars, clubs, and eating out needlessly.

After going through practically every bike, I got a Bonneville...

What I ultimately wished was that I got the Bonnie first because after a couple of months on the Bonnie, my riding GREATLY improved on my 675.

A lot of people ask me which one I like better. And its really tough because I do carve the canyons and do track days, but I do love to just ride...and carve the canyons and twisties. Needless to say....2006 Daytona 675--14,500 miles (Ive owned it for 3 years). 2007 Bonneville--13,800 (Ive only owned it for a year).

Any regrets...hell no.

Uncle Fat

I really have no basis for comparison, because my Speedmaster is my first bike. But 2 months and 1800 miles later, there are no regrets or buyer's remorse. In fact, when I see other bikes that I considered while shopping, I wonder what I ever saw in them...


Street Tracker
Yea, I have regretted it, and not afraid to say so. Those of you who have followed my history with this bike know that I got somewhat of a lemon, mainly due to bad dealer prep when delivered. It's been in the shop more times than I can remember for a variety of things over the past 2 years. Having said that, I still love it. I believe I finally have it all sorted now, and everything has been great for the past few months, so I'm optimistic. But the original question was "have you EVER regretted it" and yes, I did at certain times. But even then it was sortof a love/hate thing. I got really pissed off several times, but never enough so to actually consider cashing in and selling. Not sure why really. The wife kept saying "just get rid of that thing and get something else". And from a logical standpoint she's right. I have bigger bikes, faster bikes, more comfortable, etc. But despite (or possibly because of) my difficulties, I still love it. This bike definately gets ridden more often than anything else. So what does that say about me exactly? A little nuts perhaps?


Nope...I miss my Monster occasionally tho..when I have the urge to set off some alarms & be a hooligan for a while... :eeek:


I Totally regret buying an 06 T100 every time i see it in the garage, every time i hear it start up ,everytime i spend hours cleaning it, when i changed the standard pipes for Reverse cones and now it really growls i regret it even more.......WHY........I bought it for my wife she loves it i mean really loves it I get to ride it when she says so jealous i have a Jappa. Must Save up Must save up:mad:


Street Tracker

Sure feels good to go back in time don't it?? Kinda like having the Mona Lisa in your garage instead of a squashed erector set like when you were a kid?
Beauty is in the eyes of the beholder- so my eyes must be REAL good!!
It would be cool if the USPS made a stamp outa it?

Sal Paradise

Yesterday I used my Bonny for a half dozen small trips around my town. I was down at the auto parts store getting brake pads for my van and feeling like the coolest guy in town riding back up. Later I was down at the waterfront trying to find a last boat slip for rent to put my boat in. I stopped down to see my buddy who runs the town park and then shot back to the waterfront bar down the street and then back up and stopped off downtown, etc.
All day long I was having so much fun with the bike making these little stops, seeing people ,taking in the sights. At 30 - 40 mph I would just go WOT for a couple of seconds and the bike would make the greatest low growl ,like buuuwwwwaaauuuppp!!!!then I'd let off and whip it around a corner and make another stop. My exhaust is getting louder and I am enjoying it. Got the front wheel up ( 6 inches) gassing it going over a hump in the road. The Bonneville was just so much fun to bum around on, its just so perfect for that type of show off cruise around and fool around. Just the type of random time killing stuff life should be about . And the Bonny was perfect for it.

No regrets.
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Street Tracker
My Bonneville is my second bike.
I got my first about 6 years ago, a 1984 VT700c Shadow.
I learned to ride on that bike, and I've had many good times on it, but a couple years ago I found out about the new Bonneville and I couldn't stop thinking about it, I was smitten!

So I bought my 2007 in October of that year and only managed 500 miles before the snow took over. That was one looooong winter I tell you what!
In even those few hundred miles before winter, I knew for sure I had made the right choice.
This bike has tons of personality or soul or whatever you want to call it, it's just plain fun as hell and just begs to be ridden hard all day long.
I'm happy to oblige!

It's great that the Bonneville can be a hooligan and a class act at the same time.
No regrets, not one.
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