Cross Country Ride?


the slab is the only way to get anywher in the NE
the secondary roads are full of small towns and you would be lucky to average 30mph
not hard to average 80mph on I-95; and that's in the right lane


Two Stroke
This is a stupid question but, why would one hate riding the super slab for a trip? Is it for the sole reason that it's boring? I have done no more than 200 mi. a day so i don't know much about touring.

It can be quite hazardous to your Health here in CA....


This is a stupid question but, why would one hate riding the super slab for a trip? Is it for the sole reason that it's boring? I have done no more than 200 mi. a day so i don't know much about touring.

If you really want to get from here to there, it's great for that. Last summer, we had some sort of schedule to keep - we had to be in Utah at the Salt Flats on a certain day to keep the room reservation. We screwed off some up in SD, WY, and MT with some good roads and scenery. One day we just got on the interstate and made up for all the behind the schedule time.

For me, I prefer to be on the back roads and go where ever the pavement takes me, if there is no schedule to keep. Long as the general direction on the compass is correct, I'm enjoying the ride.

Here in Wyoming, the main highway (I-80), is an almost dead straight line running east/west. I-25 runs north/south, and it is almost as bad. I get on em only when I have to. (and in WY, even the secondary roads are a bit on the boring side)


I normally figure about 40 - 50mph including stops. That's about 75 - 90mph on the straights and as low as 30 through the tight stuff.
That about what we figure on. we only use the highways to connect the twisties. On the longest days of the year (16hours), that works out to about 600-700+ miles with plenty of time to stop for a smoke/piss/laugh,joke. Lunch under a tree on the side of the road.
700/16= 43.75MPH. hardly a blistering pace.
we still can't get people to come along even after we explain it to them. They just hear the milage and freek out.


Street Tracker
That's averaging 100+mph and included stops. 600 mile round trip? Or 600 miles one way in 6 hrs!?!?

OK, i'm retarded... Things your head are MUCH greater than they actually are...

This was my map from the trip... I did this, there and back in 1 day.

700 miles TOTAL - and it hurt my ass. Literally. I couldent poop for three days.

I would go 300miles a day max.



Street Tracker
1000 miles per day, sustained, is pretty insane.

This past July I did 2500 in 5 days of riding, shortest day just under 400, longest day just over 600. That 600 mile day included 3 hours on the interstate and we still rode for 14 hours that day.

But it was a good pace and could be kept up for many many days in a row.
Hotels at night, no camping on hard ground after riding all day.

3 guys on Hinckley Bonneville's and one on a Honda CBR.
Remember to register for an "Iron Butt" ride if you do this! (Don't know details myself, just heard about it...). 1000+ mi per day for so many days qualifies you. Only few Triumphs (20?) have ever done it (300+). Good luck - of course, post/blog about it - take a digital camera, laptop, and buy a month of Hot Spot WiFi coverage (or use 2 hours free per day at a Starbucks....)
1000 miles per day, sustained, is pretty insane.

This past July I did 2500 in 5 days of riding, shortest day just under 400, longest day just over 600. That 600 mile day included 3 hours on the interstate and we still rode for 14 hours that day.

But it was a good pace and could be kept up for many many days in a row.
Hotels at night, no camping on hard ground after riding all day.

3 guys on Hinckley Bonneville's and one on a Honda CBR.

I did a similar 2500 mile 6 day trip back in the early 90s through eastern Europe just after it all got opened up. To this day I regret not taking more time to explore the places I was passing through.

Nowadays, a 200 - 250 mile day is perfect for me. Between 6 & 8 hours on the road if you take time to stop for pics, food, fuel e.t.c.




TT Racer
I did a similar 2500 mile 6 day trip back in the early 90s through eastern Europe just after it all got opened up. To this day I regret not taking more time to explore the places I was passing through.

Nowadays, a 200 - 250 mile day is perfect for me. Between 6 & 8 hours on the road if you take time to stop for pics, food, fuel e.t.c.




I took two weeks to do the trip from Seattle to Mexico and back (~3500 mi.), and it was the perfect amount of time. We could stop when we wanted, relax.. if we wanted to hit a big day we could (and did), but for the most part it was a nice leisurely trip that we both enjoyed a great deal.
MLW and I did just short of 200 mi, riding double, with full luggage on my Bonnie Black in 6 hours, including three gas stops and lunch and dinner. Only about 20 miles was superslab, the rest was mountainous/twisty roads that passed through some very small, quaint towns where we stopped to sightsee.

I wouldn't enjoy doing more, it would keep me from stopping to smell the roses, so to speak. I would want a month to cross the country, stopping to enjoy the scenery and people along the way. NO SUPERSLAB allowed on my dream trip.

Ohio TT

Two Stroke
One of the best days I ever had was only about 150 miles. Maggie Valley down through Transylvania county(North Carolina). If I remember correctly that is the highest average elevation county east of the Mississippi. Went through Brevard,Cashiers,Highlands and back to Maggie Valley. Lots of roads IMO just as good as the Dragon and very little traffic. Also lots of waterfalls, some visible from the road.


TT Racer
One of the best days I ever had was only about 150 miles. Maggie Valley down through Transylvania county(North Carolina). If I remember correctly that is the highest average elevation county east of the Mississippi. Went through Brevard,Cashiers,Highlands and back to Maggie Valley. Lots of roads IMO just as good as the Dragon and very little traffic. Also lots of waterfalls, some visible from the road.

Come on back....the roads are still sweet!



TT Racer
I never did any really long trips, maybe 3-4 hours at a clip. I don't know how you guys do it. Nowadays my ass hurts after a couple of hours. Some one else mentioned the "zoning out factor" on a highway. I've done that on a bike-scares the shit out of you.

In a car with an average speed computer, I'm always amazed how low your average speed is even when using highways. If I take a guess at the end of a 3 hour trip I would be off by 15-20 mph usually. One stop or a little traffic jam really drops your average quickly. Of course that's mostly the NE with our insane traffic.
So, just got back from a trip - 3 days, 9 bikes, just shy 1000km and 3 crashes in one day!!! Pics & vid to follow for them but here's a few pics that are relevent to this thread:

Day 1 - 294km (approx 180 miles)


Day 2 - 354km (~220 miles)


Day 3 - 337km (~210 miles)


Note that the moving average speed drops as the days pass due to the amount of stopped time but from those 3 end-of-day GPS snapshots, the average works out at 73kph or 45.3mph.

Here's a few pics from the ride so you can see it's just 2 lane blacktop and pretty much all in the mountains. Bloody great fun!!!! :D








Pikey: Nice pics, those roads look made for that Bonny! Can you post a close-up of how you got that Garmin mounted? Thanks!


Street Tracker
I did a similar 2500 mile 6 day trip back in the early 90s through eastern Europe just after it all got opened up. To this day I regret not taking more time to explore the places I was passing through.

Nowadays, a 200 - 250 mile day is perfect for me. Between 6 & 8 hours on the road if you take time to stop for pics, food, fuel e.t.c.



Actually I thought the pace was pretty good. We were only on the interstate those three hours cause there really were'nt any good roads for that stretch and we needed to do 600 that day to keep within the schedule.
A lot of what determines the overall timeline and miles/day is how much time everyone can take off work from their jobs/families.
We got to see some gorgeous scenery and curvy roads in several states.

Massive was a spy for TRat? What a dick.


Street Tracker
Last summer I put in the longest day I've ever done on a bike, 522 miles, all of it here in Washington, all of it on two-lane blacktop except for 40 - 50 miles of dirt roads up in the NE corner of the state. Great day - but I'll admit to being a little hot & dehydrated later in the day. Had to stop & rest in the shade, it must have been 95+ degrees, maybe 100 or more by mid afternoon.


Did a great little tour on the Scram summer of '08, only three days, about 400 miles a day, through Montana, Idaho and Washington with as little freeway as possible! It too was great... Am happiest though with 250 - 300 mile days, great roads and good scenery. Plenty of that here in the Northwest.

Regards, Guy