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Oh man. I'm sorry to hear this Mike, I'm sure she's up there hoping for your happiness to return soon.


Very sad news... reminder that time with loved ones and time in the world is fragile and finite... strength to you and all those close to you in this time of loss.


Mike, my best wishes to you and yours in this time of sorrow. Weep not, but smile and rejoice in the knowledge that Cris is in no more pain. God speed to her, and my most sincere of condolences to you. We're here if you need anything mate.


Sad news Mike, at least you have years of fine memories to remember the times when you were both together, please accept my sympathies for your loss.

Oil Burner

Very sorry to hear of the loss of your obviously wonderful wife. May she rest in peace. Keep all the wonderful memories close in your mind. I will keep her, you, and your family in my prayers.
A 46 yr love affair is the exception, not the rule these days and times. Lots of fond memories, I'm sure. I'm sure that Cris doesn't want you to quit living but instead to continue on in life and find happiness until you both can reunite again.

I know you feel pain and a loss, and I'm not going to tell you that time will make them go away completely. Time will lessen them however.

You have my sincerest condolences and both of you have my earnest prayers. God Bless!

Lone Trumpet

Street Tracker
Thanks for sharing. 46 years of memories live in you heart, but it must be hard to lose the one you shared them with. Please accept my sincerest condolences.

Mike Britton

Two Stroke
Thanks guys.
Gonna scatter her ashes all up and down the Pacific Coast. She loved the ocean.
Now, back to the house remodel. I promised her I'd finish the house, and byGod, I intend to do it.
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