Cool Scrambler

fuck it.. I'll say it... I don't like it.. but only because I hate wrapped pipes..

Those pipes are just about worthless.. go over a curb - scrape; hit a depression in the road - scrape; live in a neighborhood with speed bumps - scrape, scrape, scrape... They look good, but functionally, fuhgetaboutit..

Hey, Lach.. based on your description above, I think I wanna be a Poser!.. :headbang2:

I'm with you, on all counts!


I opened a can of worms when I said POSER BIKE all I meant was some bikes are all show and no go but at the end of the day it is a lovely bike and I wouldn/t say no to it.

I am trying to think of something deep and meaningfull to finish with like you guys say but it just aint happening.
Having your cake and eating it too? Low pipes and nobbies just dont vibe. It's like putting 36" mud tire on a truck then lowering the suspension.:d