Cleaning out your carbs

Joey Vegas

well i did the float test, no stuck float. pulled the petcock, blew it out with carb cleaner and compressed air, didn't see anything come out of it or plug it up.

bike runs like shit stit.

i thought i might have had a loose battery connection, so that was another one of the things i had tightened up.

no more fuel leaks.

tomorrow i'm putting in new plugs as one last ditch effort.

if that doesn' fix it shes going back to the dealer for repairs and i'm getting rid of it. too much bad karma.

thanks for the help gents.


Street Tracker
any updates? I'm having a similar problem...

BTW, mine's also black and white. Could it be as simple as choosing the wrong color?


Two Stroke
Are you sure you checked the line between the tank and the rear fender next to the battery box along the left fender mount bolt. Be sure not to get it confused with the electrical line that is the same color. When I unbolted my carbs from the center post I got gas all over the place as well. I eventually relized that I had replaced all of these thing the first time I did this. Oh well I give up. I have found that if it rains and I do not let the bike warm up properly I have similar problems. Mine is a black and white as well, you can call me any time for help. Lol



Don't give up, it's just a minor problem and you'll fix it.
Start at the top and work down.
Drain the tank, empty it through a paint filter to catch debris, watch for a reddish flaky/powdery powder. flush the tank with clean gas or mineral spirits (wear rubber gloves) inspect the tank neck for loose flaky primer paint.
pull the petcock off and check those screens, clean if necessary.
change/remove the little filter where the gas line splits.
make sure your vent line isn't pinched. when you have the tank back on
don't tighten the tank cap much at all, for sure not any more after the first click but for the purpose of testing, leave it on loose after you fill the tank.
assuming you've drained the carbs of gas and pulled the float bowls and visually or manually checked the jets to be sure they're clear. you can remove them without removing the carbs.
Are you going through a consistent starting procedure?
choke out
idle screw set?
petcock open to "run"?
don't even touch the throttle till the bike establishes a smooth idle.
hit the starter....?

Once you have cleared the fuel system and followed those steps if that doesn't cure it let us know and we'll give you more suggestions for the next step.
be patient
If you're not particularly comfortable with mechanical stuff or if it frustrates you, take er in to the shop......


Sorry for the duplications in my post, it took a while with interruptions and I didn't see the previous posts....
the dealer may be the best option.


Hey Joey,
bike runs like shit is a pretty broad statement. Narrow it down some. At idle, off idle, cruise, wide open? Does it run better with the choke on or off. Has the bike been setting for awhile?
if no one has sugested it yet let me be the first run sea foam through it for a tank or two. 1 oz per gallon of gas, works wonders. I would do that before anything else
My bike just now started to sputter and backfire etc... i can my stock NGK plug wire arcing at higher revs. something to think about also.


Street Tracker
yes. it would be good to know what the eventual outcomes of problems are when someone post a request for help, rather than ending a post with no further news


Backfiring through the carbs does sound like a lean fuel condition. What color are your sparkplugs? Unfortunately black plugs can also mean a lean condition at idle.
Have you checked for an air leak? Spray some WD-40 on the carburetor stubs while the bike is running if it runs better then this is indicative of an air leak. How about the condition of the carburetor diaphragms? Are they properly installed?


TT Racer
I can be the stand in for Joey Vegas...I have the same situation and have gotten nowhere with many of the same things tried


TT Racer
last summer had no time to ride...let it sit for about 2 months. Tried in sputtered, coughed and barely started, took off tank, drained and checked petcock screen. added stabilizer and waited for spring.

ordered procom...tried that....nada....still the same. added seafoam and 93 octane..might seem a bit better, but could be my imagination Noticed the other day while idling on half chock sputtering and coughing would stop and idle would smooth out when I shook the bike side to side.
Only idles with choke at 1/2 out.