Carlisle PA bike fest


I just got home was alot of fun .Good to meet you people.Hope everyone gets home safe ,was a blast.Bet that woman in the car on 81 is glad hedge is gone home lol.crazy old fucker lol.


American Infidel
We just said goodbye to Hedge and JEnfield, MikeinVA left earlier this morning. It was a blast buzzing around town with our Bonnie gang! Bonnielass and I are heading back up the the fairgrounds for the pole dancing contest. I guess we'll just have to get Seth a t-shirt.
If you get this message before you go to the fairgrounds - Jimmy & I saw a lovely Pink halter-top that would be perfect for those Bail-out Rockers! :D

I just got home was alot of fun .Good to meet you people.Hope everyone gets home safe ,was a blast.Bet that woman in the car on 81 is glad hedge is gone home lol.crazy old fucker lol.
Never saw her Mike but I bet she will be staying in the right lane in the future! :D It was great finally meeting you and we're gonna have to try and get your ass up North someday soon!


American Infidel
Carlisle - Just Back Report!

SO, I left Stamford at 4:50am on Saturday morning by myself after all the Rockers Bailed-Out at the last minute for various reasons including a chance of rain.
Weather that morning was cool. For some inane reason I decided to pass on my summer mesh jacket and go with my winter Hein Gerrick; Handsome piece of thinking! It was fucking cold around 60 degrees. I rolled into Carlise at 8:30ish and was chilled to the bone. I decided to go to the Hotel and see if I could check in early and drop my saddle bags and tail bag off as well as my leathers, Sidi's, gloves and helmet (helmet's optional law in PA just like CT). I got my room early and dropped off all my shit and got a phone call from Jimmy that he was already inside the fair grounds. I told him that I checked in and dropped my stuff off and he said that was a good idea. I told him I would shoot over to the fair grounds and meet him and show him where the hotel was and he could drop his shit off as well and then we would roll over to the fair grounds together.

Found Jimmy and got him settled into his room early as well. I realized that where I had my thinking cap on for the winter jacket. I had a brain fart about bringing shorts. It got fucking hotter then hell there. People said it got up to like 96 degrees. My blue jeans were sticking to my legs and I got Ass-Rot, or as Jimmy says - you Southerners call it Swamp Ass, which he had as well! We couldn't keep enough liquids in us all day long while walking the grounds.

I would say that somewhere around 10:30am we got a phone call from Bonneville Billy and he had MikenVa and Sheldon SCCTrim with him. We all met up near the stunt track which was like an 1/8th of a mile drag strip where stunt drivers were doing wheelies, donuts, burn-outs, and front end brakies! That got kinda old after about 20 min so we all ventured over to the Triumph tent where all these guys parked there bikes. I have known Jimmy and Bill from Bennington Triumph Bash but had never met Mikenva & SCCTrim. Those two were as super nice guys and down to earth. I got to tell you guys, they both know their shit when it comes to engine modifications! Both their bikes were the Bomb! They both explained in detail exactly how they modified their engines and it was logically and realistically exactly what they said. It was a pleasure hanging with them and I hope our paths cross again in the very near future.

OK Hedge, so you were with nice people and it was hotter then hell out there on the fair grounds and all those guys have nicely modified Bonneville's . . . tell us about the show!:D

Well I'm glad you asked! Like I said I had no idea what to expect. I thought it would be a bike show with all sorts of motorcycles represented and a huge swap meet of assorted parts, rolling chassis, finished and un finished projects, and apparel. How fucking wrong was I!

Carlise itself is a nice old town and the fair grounds are huge because they hold some of the biggest muscle car events in the USA. I pulled in and it was 97% Harley Davidson's and the usual trash that sits on them and is attracted to them - enough said? You gettin the image? Right . . . Daytona Bike week! I'm not gonna completely dump on them because out of all the Harley riders I would say 10% of them were real motorcycle enthusiasts, the other 90% were 100% Pirate Posers gathered up from every trailer park and shit hole within a 300 mile radius! If I didn't drop my Kodak on the 4th of July I would have had some classic shots for you guys!

All the vendors were geared toward the Pirate Scene and all the swap meet parts and vendors were Geared toward Harley's. I bought 4 Micro Fiber cloths for $10, Two 16 oz Meguiar's Quick Detailer "Mist & Wipe" spray for $5 each. Jimmy highly recommended this product and he has never steered me wrong on anything! I got a nice pair of yellow lens night glasses for $10 . . . they look like they came in Oakley frames and a Sick Boy T-shirt. So Jimmy and I put all this shit in his saddle bags and then we drove our bikes down to the Triumph tent with the rest of the gang.

By that time Jeff (BlueJ) & Lauren (BonneLass) finally called in so we told them to roll right to the Triumph tent and they would find us all hanging out there. They rolled in and we went and had some real healthy Fair Grounds lunch :rolleyes: and then did another loop around the whole grounds. I'm telling you, I couldn't get enough water and lemonade in my body!

Some of the more inventiveness ideas at the show were the motorized Radio Flyer wagon, powered by a motorcycle engine, golf cart with a motorcycle engine . . . but first prize has to go to the motorcycle powered bar stool!

By 4:45 pm (15 minutes before the Bikini contest was going to start) we decided we couldn't take it anymore and we departed for the hotel for showers, AC, and a well deserved nap! We re-convened in the hotel lobby around 7:30pm and decided to shoot the lock off the wallet and go to the best restaurant in Carlise . . . so we all mounted up onto our Bonneville's and set out to Chili's! Well, Hell, at least we knew what to order before we even arrived! :p WE hung out until about 10pm and then drove around the streets of Carlise looking around, gassing up for the departure today and a little horsing around between us. By 11:30 we were all back at the Hotel and I fell out quickly.

Apparently Mikenva pulled out before the sun came up and Jimmy and I were ready to roll at 8am sharp. WE had some last minute coffee and chit-chat with Jeff & Lauren and got a group shot for Seth and then departed.

I was home by 11:15am, covering the 226 miles faster then the day before. Ton-Up . . . Definitely! All in all I'm glad I went. It was great seeing Jimmy, Jeff & Lauren, and Bill again and meeting Mikenva and Sheldon and his wife Vicky. I look forward to linking up with them in the very near future and I also hope to meet many of you other Bonneville enthusiasts down the road in the future as well! :)
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Street Tracker
Yeah Seth they had a preeeeeeeeety pink halter top just for sissies affraid of riding clip ons or rain what ever it might be the next time one like the Harley girls wear. We raised some hell old school style with our bikes not our keyboards in Carlisle. We made alot of noise and even scared a dude on a busa so if you cant pack with the old dudes and a sexy chick sell it and buy you a moped. I got caught in the rain last 50 miles but what the shit as hot as it was yesterday it was refreshing to cool down. I will be glad to ride north or south or west to hangout with you guys this fall so if you have any ideas let me know saddle bags solved the problem I can travel. Mike Let me know if you want to blast Skyline this fall.


Ohio TT

Two Stroke
Hey Hedge, I know it's only ten bucks but ya got hosed on the microfiber cloths. Sam's Club has 25 of them for $11. Don't feel bad, I paid $15 for two about five years ago at the Honda Hoot. Went to Vintage MC Days at MidOhio yesterday. Real nice mix of bikes and people there. Will post a few pictures later.


We will all have to get together again maybe do a parkway ride or something.Just pick a lttle town somewhere with a motel we can all stay at .Ride around and drive the locals crazy.God 25 years ago we would of all got in trouble together lol.Yall are good people.
Yea left somewhere around 5am .I didnt want to wake yall up so i just slid out and put the hammer down on I 81 ,made good time no one was on the road ,only saw 1 cop and that was after i was in VA.Had one deer scare me was on side of 81 but she didnt get in the road .I hope bill made it home ok .glad yall did.


American Infidel
Hey Hedge, I know it's only ten bucks but ya got hosed on the microfiber cloths. Sam's Club has 25 of them for $11. Don't feel bad, I paid $15 for two about five years ago at the Honda Hoot. Went to Vintage MC Days at MidOhio yesterday. Real nice mix of bikes and people there. Will post a few pictures later.
Now you tell us! :D
I'm still alive, 12 and a half hours in the pouring fucking rail with hale
and fucking lightning bolts fucking cracking all over the fucking place.
When it wasn't raining it was fucking pouring.
I was fighting the wind hale rain and fucking tractor trailers for over 400 fucking miles.



American Infidel
I'm still alive, 12 and a half hours in the pouring fucking rail with hale
and fucking lightning bolts fucking cracking all over the fucking place.
When it wasn't raining it was fucking pouring.
I was fighting the wind hale rain and fucking tractor trailers for over 400 fucking miles.

WTF bill -I left an hour before you and didn't get a drop of rain. It seemed to have rained around the meadowlands and NYC as i approached but it was never raining while i rode. I got wet from cars tire sprays from the wet roads but that was it. Ya should have rolled out earlier with me buddy! 3hours and 15 min home. I did the ton up for around 20 min straight with full saddle bags and tail bag. The only reason I slowed down was because I got tired from the buffeting. I followed this one lady for 50 miles at 80mph, another car at 80 + and then this lunitic blew past me and was doing like 110 so i followed him at 100 until he broke off around the garden State parkway. :D
I started heading n/e at 9;30 I got about 85-90 miles and all hell broke loose
It never stopped for the next 400 miles. It was very bad at times with the
wind hale thunder and lighting and fucking poring rain.
I was going to bale at least a hundred times but just kept pushing on.


well glad you made it home safe even if you did have to go to hell getting there was worried about you. I had a very nice sunny ride home well after the sun came out it was lol.


American Infidel
I started heading n/e at 9;30 I got about 85-90 miles and all hell broke loose
It never stopped for the next 400 miles. It was very bad at times with the
wind hale thunder and lighting and fucking poring rain.
I was going to bale at least a hundred times but just kept pushing on.
Wholly shit - what you do, cook Sheldon breakfast? I was NorthEast bound at 8am sharp! I guess I'm glad about 2 things:
1. I didn't wait for you
2. I left at 8am and the weather seemed to have enclosed over my tail as I fled the scene.

Anyway, I'm glad your home and safe!


Two Stroke
Sorry I missed Carlisle, but went to Mid-Ohio instead

Hey Hedge-

I can attest to the accuracy of your description of the Carlisle event and the typical attendees, and I wasn't even there! Vanessa and I live about 12 miles from Carlisle and have been to the event in the past. We laugh at the same stuff you described in colorful detail, including Michele Smith, her slip on "sleeves" and her various surgical enhancements.

I'm sorry I missed out on the opportunity to see my friends Sheldon, Jeff and Lauren, and meet you and some of the others from the forum. That would have made the trip worthwhile, but we opted to attend the AMA Vintage Motorcycle Days event at Mid-Ohio held during the same weekend. It was an awesome event and Triumph America put on a killer RAT party on Saturday night. Terry Davidson and the Gears provided great rockabilly and Tex-Mex rock and roll, and some nice people handed out Newcastle Browns out of the back of a pick'emup truck. We even got to hang out and watch the fireworks with Triumph America CEO Mark Kennedy. They said it was the largest RAT party ever in North America.

We won three of the eBay charity auctions to ride on the Mid-Ohio track on new Triumphs and Vanessa rode a Speed Triple, her dad rode a Street Triple and I rode a Daytona 675. We only got to do four laps, but it was still lots of fun - not as fast as a warm up lap, but a better pace than a typical demo ride.

Randy Baxter of Baxter Cycles in Marne, IA conducted a Triumph Road Show (ala the Antiques Road Show) in which owners rolled out their vintage bikes, described the bike's history after which Randy evaluated the bike's condition and offered his opinion as to its collectability and current value.

One of the bikes was a X-75 Hurricane and during the presentation Craig Vetter walked in and shared some stories about his interaction with the Triumph factory at the time and how they were not too enthusiastic about his novel (and very orange) bodywork.

I posted some photos of the new Bonneville standard (with alloy wheels!) and the 50th Anniversary T100 Bonnie, both on display in the Triumph tent.


hell it was worth it just to hang with the gang .How many people get to see a American Infidel scare the hell out of a woman in a car or watch bill dream about mountain climbing.We had more fun rideing around then anything.A wild bunch of guys with some nice bikes to.was nice to meet all you guys and girls.


American Infidel
Sorry we missed you Ned. Clearly form your description, we picked the wrong event to go to! But you couldn't of asked for better company!

Mike - you find that hat that blew off your head at speed? :D