Bonneville Stars in New John Mellencamp Video


unfortunately motorcyclist must tbe aware of politics and politicians as certian "idealists" are prone to protacting us from ourselves and that incudes everything from helmet laws to banning motorcycles in general as "hazardous"
recently a local legislator proposed mandating $1,000,000 minimum accident insurance for every motorcyclist: you either have a $1 mil policy or no license to operate a motorcycle(this does not apply to auto drivers) the AMA is beneficial but we must all remain ever vigilent for those who will "protect" us and dictate how we live our lives


TT Racer
anyone who votes based on the opinions of douchebag celebrities deserves to be slapped
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If you boycott films, music, and other forms of entertainment based solely on the personal views of the performers, whether it's Barbara Streisand or Charlton Heston, you'll probably find yourself spending a lot of evenings sitting at home in the dark. (Not that I wouldn't rather do that than go to a Dixie Chicks concert.) I also dislike the views of the Levi Strauss Company and the founders of Ben & Jerry's ice cream, but I still eat enough of one's ice cream that it's tough to fit into the other's britches.


I, on the other hand, will not purchase Lays potato chips, Pepsi products. Levis,Ben & Jerry's or CITGO gas for that very reason
and i enjoy sitting at home with my dog, a good cigar and a single malt scotch
I don't give a rat's ass about his political views. I like his music, other than this particular tune. It is nice to see a Bonnie in the video though.

Stagger Lee

Street Tracker

Wombat the stoned MOD says

"be wary of the forum rules"

:D :D :D :p


We all know that the entertainment industry is full of left-wing wackos, with the exception of country music which appears to be more right-leaning but in reality is pretty evenly balanced. Corporate America is all over the political map and you'd drive yourself nuts trying to stick to products made by companies who share your views.

There are times where you have to draw a line, though. The aforementioned Citgo is on my black list (Hugo Chavez is lower than pig shit), as is Caribou Coffee (fomerly one of my favorite places) which is almost wholly owned by the First Islamic Investment Bank and is totally committed to Shariah law.


Two Stroke
he was on a news program the other morning spouting off about his political views; he is an ultra liberal and supports Obama, socialism and
the nanny state
not my kinda guy (or gal)

This post, no doubt will be my first warning but before I spew, all need to know,I don't hate...fact is, I'm not the least pleased with any of our canidates.

I predict...Obama is assasinated before the election begins or within 6 months of his presidecy. At least 2 attempts on his life have been made by people that are not happy to see a black rule the world. I for one, have no problem with him but his views and far left stance are way out of touch for a realistic world in my .02

All you tools should had nominated R. Paul.

See a real "Dead Man Walking"

Taking bets on how long I am banned?
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2112 You might not be banned but I'm seriously thinking of putting you on my ignore list. The only reason you're not is you're being vocal on a real concern that's in the back of a ton of people's minds.

And....what the HELL ever happened to bipartisan politics??

Ben Quick

Street Tracker
The original post was about a Triumph, Bonnie in a music video. I enjoy all things Triumph, especially any thing about the Bonneville. Just trying to stay on topic. Why fuck up a good thing when there are other forums where you can opine your taste in religion/political dogma. Enjoy a good bike ride and groove to a good piece of music.
Peace, and the best to all.


Two Stroke
Hear here , I dig John Mellencamp and my Bonneville , Motorcycles and Rock n Roll . Doesn't get much better.

On that note - there's a pic of Pink on her Bonneville in the new Rolling Stone. No I don't like Pink but she does have good taste in bikes.
