Babes On Bikes *NSFW*


Blue Haired Freak
It's hilarious how about every 5 months or so someone rediscovers this photo and there's a big Pink flurry. Chick's riding a bike, a Bonnie to boot. Shows at least some semblance of taste. Don't be a hater and pick at what she's doing wrong.

Unless you want to talk about those boots.

Or the fact that she didn't even fasten her helmet strap.

Or the way that her cargo net is strapped to the indicator stalks (!!) and the strap over the seat, and chicned down ti-i-i-ght!! Those indicator stalks are gonna break for sure.

But, hey - none of us are perfect, right? Well, except for MZA. I sort of miss having him around to tell us all how we should feel and who's good looking.

Which brings me back to the reason for the post. No good Pink post should go without a good Purple post:

dscf0071 ps.jpg


What a great image in so many ways - rich! - love the isolated colorization!

You guys gotta do a calendar.



Or the way that her cargo net is strapped to the indicator stalks...But, hey - none of us are perfect, right?
dscf0071 ps.jpg

I could care less about Pink. Bonnielass' cargo looks strapped in just fine and she comes about as close as it gets to perfection! Thanks again for another stunning pic.

Sal Paradise

That photo is so cool in so many ways,I don't know where to start. The beauty of motorycle and rider as subject no doubt. But the brick is doing something to the photo compositionally that I can't put my finger on, but it has a lot of impact. I think its just that the brick sets bike and rider off compositionally, and as said before, the color just takes it a step further and the light is perfect.

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Nick Morey

Go Pink (good taste for sure, I even like her music, c'mon she's a rebel).

And BlueJ/Bonnielass what can I say? VERY NICE! :worthy:


Thanks BlueJ,
Been missing Lass for awhile, we needed refreshing!
You are quite a photog, my friend, I haven't seen anything of yours that was even remotely off the mark. There are several national photo contests you should consider entering some of your work in, IMHO you would do well with any of those for sure.
Here's one. Take a shot man, (no pun) it may surprise you!



How about Megan Fox bent over a motorcycle in a preview of the new Transformers 2 movie.


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