Babes On Bikes *NSFW*


Street Tracker
Now that's just not safe!
Looks like he's hauling ass too! And a very nice ass, i might add.
I once owned an '89 GB500 from new. Sold it in '06 with about 6K miles on it. Used the proceeds to rebuild my CB400/F. Sold the CB400/F for the T100 I have now. In retrospect, I wish I could have kept the GB, but it was a little too small for me. I'm much more comfortable on the T100. Either way, the GB was fun as hell. It was the first bike I did the Ton on. I found a nice straight away between Seattle and the Canadian border and just rolled back the throttle.

One day I will own this bike.


Two Stroke
You're so full of shit Steel. I looked at that damned thing for 5 full minutes and never saw any so called boat.

Time for another Jack & Coke.


I dunno, I just found it while surfing. Like the girl, like the bike, I even like the little tool roll(?) on the back.