Babes On Bikes *NSFW*



Two Stroke
Calender by Tanya Chalkin. I wish she had one for 2009!
Sorry if these pics have already been posted, I have not seen them.
Click Here and scroll through all 12 months in all of their full-sized glory. WOW.




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Hey jeddy

Girls and triumphs now that I like. I went to site and tried to save the september picture, but could not work out how. Can u post the september T100 so i can save picture from here PLEEEZ


Street Tracker
Screen capture. On a mac, shift-apple-4 gives you a crop tool to capture, shift-apple-3 captures the whole screen. I don't know the keystrokes on windows or if you need software.


Blue Haired Freak
Public Apology

I'm very sorry, fellow NBR-ers, that Bonnielass has been so under-represented of late. It's just so d-d-d-amn c-c-cold around here that I cannot get her to pose with her bike! And you know me - a stickler for rules - so certainly I wouldn't post another shot with her Xmas shoes (but no bike).



Two Stroke
I'm very sorry, fellow NBR-ers, that Bonnielass has been so under-represented of late. It's just so d-d-d-amn c-c-cold around here that I cannot get her to pose with her bike! And you know me - a stickler for rules - so certainly I wouldn't post another shot with her Xmas shoes (but no bike).

That aint right!



I'm very sorry, fellow NBR-ers, that Bonnielass has been so under-represented of late. It's just so d-d-d-amn c-c-cold around here that I cannot get her to pose with her bike! And you know me - a stickler for rules - so certainly I wouldn't post another shot with her Xmas shoes (but no bike).


Hey Blue, we wouldn't want you to get in trouble for breaking the rules, so, I know a guy who can get you a "waiver" so our favorite lady can feel comfortable with posing and posting in the cooler months. As far as those sniveling cowards who objected to the Xmas shoot, Ima gonna send Guido and Stefan to visit them if they dare peek around the corner!!
So Mike, you come in and throw down a political gauntlet, responding to a post that's nearly six months old which is now all but irrelevant, in a way that no one would possibly know what the hell you're talking about without linking back to Hedge's original post, and you do it all in the happiest thread in the forum? Poor form, new guy. Poor form indeed. If it were me I'd delete that post and replace it with a posting of a particularly tasty bit of motorcycle cheesecake, leaving the snide remarks for some other time and place.

But that's just me. :)

Political gauntlet? Chill dude.

BTW, the little icon to the right of "Originally Posted by Hedge" is a link to the original post.