Babes On Bikes *NSFW*


Street Tracker
Wow, a real women!
German Julie

The German girls who've been staying at my place for a couple of weeks, continued on their round Oz bonk-fest today. I asked the blonde one (of headless biker fame) to pose for a few pics with me & my Scram, & she jumped at the chance. Turns out she's a budding supermodel, & if the Gardners hadn't been hovering around I'm sure I could have got a few topless shots too. But these will have to do for now.




She made an old man smile.

I'm going to miss the young frauleins.


Yer a lucky man! Normally the ya ya's don't mind getting them out even if the Gardners are around i'm sure they wold have enjoyed the show.
PS you NQ landers sure dress up to ride!
Great pic's
Cheers Andrew

Jimi X

Hey! OS, Is what you're wearing called executive ATGATT. :D You don't clean up too bad for an old fart, cradle robber you.


great pics, Scratch.

you've been very generous in inviting us to come visit you there in OZ. All I can say is, should any of us sods actually take you up on it, boy are you gonna be disappointed! ;)


Nothin like an anal retentive guy and his tool collection....practically surgical!!!!
"Lets see, where the hell did I put that 14mm open end, self ratcheting, blue anodized, offset angle super thin wrench?"


Nothin like an anal retentive guy and his tool collection....practically surgical!!!!
"Lets see, where the hell did I put that 14mm open end, self ratcheting, blue anodized, offset angle super thin wrench?"

And to think I was noticing her big nose.
Hey! OS, Is what you're wearing called executive ATGATT. :D You don't clean up too bad for an old fart, cradle robber you.

The suit was her idea. She saw me wearing it to court last week, & thought it'd make a good contrast. I think it works well too.


Yeah, there's nothing like a young girl to make a man look old. & they certainly got me feeling old too. But it's the one occassion I don't mind being reminded. It's a small price to pay for growing old disgracefully.
damn scratch, her legs go all the way to heaven!

Yeah, her sister was really smokin' too.

She hooked up with my flatmate, & he's fairly bummed that she's gone.

I really liked their little friend, who was more my type.

But she's on a mission to bonk as many hot young Aussie guys as possible, & I only scored 1 out of 3 on her list (I'm an Aussie), which made me feel real old.

So thank heaven for Julie

Who thought I was a HOG (Horny Old Goat). But didn't nesescarily think that was a bad thing.:D