Age....give it up...If you wish to


Street Tracker
I'm 38. Riding since age 8. First street bike ('77 750four F :headbang2:) at 21. On a triumph for 5 years now.


I'll be 49 in 2 months. Been riding since 1974, a Yamaha RD250 in a nice big open field. On the street since 1979 on the same bike. I still have one just like it, only this one is in better shape, and my brother never wrapped it around a telephone pole.
I kinda remember my Mom wiping my ass when JFK was shot, but I do remember when Bobby was shot. I also know Teddy was half hit in the ass the whole time I have been alive, but he's gone now too, and WFC!


Street Tracker
48 in a few weeks. Licensed since '79. I've had a love affair with motorcycles since I was big enough for my dad to hang on to me on his bike.

Cool thread!
Well, I will turn 41 in July. Absolutely love things with 2 wheels! I have 8 bicycles and 1 triumph. Feel like a kid when I ride any of them!