3 more bikes


my son, Dan, picked up a 65 BSA Thunderbolt and 2 Triumph 250 Trophys this weekend
we already have a 250 Triumph up and running; its a 95% bike
the Thuderbolt will run next weekend, its also a 95% bike
the other Triumph may be a donor bike or a bobber, but I have a spare motor for it already
the BSA has 11000 miles and the good Triumph has 8400
not bad for $1200
he ships out to Pearl Harbor on 8/14 so i just "inherited" 3 more bikes
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there will be photos as soon as Dan stops by.
he has taken numerous shots and I've asked him to post them

these bikes are SWEET!




the first photo is a 1966 Ducati Monza Jr 160 that we have been working on for 10 years
we only need to rewire it and we should have 10 bikes on the road
OH how my sons and I have suffered since the ex left


my son put out "feelers" for about a year for any old British bike
he got a call from a guy in Lyme Ct who had the 3 bikes stored in his freind's garage for 7 years, none runners, the bikes looked like shit but are mechanicaly sound
at least as sound as a 40 year old british bike can be.
each bike will need $500 of "consumables": clutch, cables etc
with many hours of work they will be resurrected

latest problems: the 250's clutch is shot and I can't get it to run when timed "correctly"
the ign condenser was missing
I wonder if it has the wrong rotor on it so the timing marks are off??
I put new springs in the advance unit and I'll check with a degree wheel it will only run if super advanced
maybe I haven't found the correct curse words yet
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the 250's timing problem was due to a sheared key on the altenator rotor, the timing mark was 20+ degrees off
the rotor was loose on the shaft and the keyway is knackered
OK so we pull the rotor off the spare engine; it was installed without a key and is loose on the taper!
so it into my lot of spare BSA parts and we find a good rotor and a new key= ready to go
the primary chain was so loose it was eating the chain case; almost got through
need clutch plates
have new springs in my spares stash
put new ignition advance springs in, also from my stash
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Most excellent pics. Like the black and white photography...
Quick question though. How do you get your photographs to stack and appear so large on this thread.


my son, Dan, did the photos
he says the mehtod used on the forum is inferior and he uses something different, he has a MAC
I'll ask him to post something on it


the ign advance unit on the Triumph Trophy 250 is knackered.
i replaced the springs and adjusted it but it still cannot fully retard
I'll look through my stash of parts for a replacement other wise Dan gets a Boyer system for Christmas in Hawaii

whoever wrenched on this bike in the past had a large hammer, a pair of pliers and a screwdriver
we keep finding broken studs, stripped nuts, buggered gaskets, missing spacers, keys, washers
how does all this shit happen in only 43 years??
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