Recent content by 314lot

  1. 314lot

    Jokes Thread

    PI For Koi, In 1998 the Alabama legislature set the "official" value of PI as 3.14159 I think that is rational.
  2. 314lot

    Stock headlight lens replacement?

    Wow Bonafide, Now this is more like what I am looking for. I assume your recommendation means it does well at night. Thanks once again.
  3. 314lot

    Stock headlight lens replacement?

    Hmmmm Thanks for the warning. I do ride at night. I tried the salvage sites you suggested. One did not offer the lens alone while the entire headlight unit was nearly as much as the OEM I am considering for $212. The other site serves as an intermediary. I am waiting for a response.
  4. 314lot

    Stock headlight lens replacement?

    A $7 try OK then, I can afford a $7 experiment. I'll let you know how it turns out. (Probably next week.) Thanks everyone for the input.
  5. 314lot

    Stock headlight lens replacement?

    Realy? This can be done without modifications to the surrounding hardware and the wiring?
  6. 314lot

    Stock headlight lens replacement?

    I will now. Thanks
  7. 314lot

    Stock headlight lens replacement?

    The headlight lens is cracked on my stock 2006 Bonneville. I would like to replace JUST the lens. I've had no success finding a retail source that sells the lens alone. Does anyone have suggestions other than headlight replacement or sources like ebay?
  8. 314lot

    We need a new interesting thread, I'm trying to finding another way to be insulting.

    What ever happened to DrewDesign? Didn't he help with the graphic at the top of these pages. I've always admired it.
  9. 314lot

    GF's First Ride

    Yes!!! Isn't she the first of the Babes on Bikes tread?
  10. 314lot

    Square Root Day

    Thank God for diversity. And yes, the next is 4/4/16
  11. 314lot

    Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance

    Zen and the Art is one of my all time favorites. I've read it several times. It has many levels that can appeal to people, but many complain they don’t understand the philosophic parts. Pirsig’s second book, Lila, gives a clear explanation of a more mature philosophy. However I found Lila to...
  12. 314lot

    Square Root Day

    Ate something. LOL - it may be old but it's new to me. Yeah, we math geeks don't get out much.
  13. 314lot

    Square Root Day

    Anyone care?
  14. 314lot

    Square Root Day

    8.3 and change Anyone know when the next square root day will be?
  15. 314lot

    Mg V7

    I was at the NY show with a couple of friends. On the way home we compared favorites. Mine was the V7 (partly due to Triumph’s absence). I would love to try one.