Drastic Lightening of Bike


Street Tracker
Well Guys I have some news to share with you. On January 4th I am embarking on a project that will eventually lighten my bike by over one hundred pounds. Some of you may ask, "How is that possible"

As some of you know I am a gentleman larger stature . Well I have decided to correct this. Working with a renowned doctor, I am going to have gastric bypass surgery. This along with the help of a nutritionist and a fitness trainer we are going to try and correct thirty-four years of bad exercise and eating habits.

I will be laid up for about two to three weeks but will be back to normal in no time.

All in the name of better performance.
BTW: my GF's dad had this done about 2 years ago, but it was a lap-band surgery vs gastric bypass. He basically paid the $25,000 and followed NONE of the Dr's advice, and lost almost NO weight, other than the $25,000 out of his wallet. Do what the MD's say!


Congratulations on making such a life changing decision. A friend of mine dropped nearly 200lbs doing that. Post two years post-op and working out he was at 280 (He was at 500) UNTIL he lost his job, cancelled his gym membership developed a shitty attitude. Now he's back to up 375. Stay on top of it!


Street Tracker
Good luck Jhtjon! You'll feel heaps better after shedding the weight and your bike will feel like a rocket!


Why not work with a nutrionist and trainer first and see if you can achieve your goals with out surgery? Major surgery always has risks and long term complications are possible. I would exhaust all natural options first. Perhaps you have already done that. In any case, I wish the best for you.


I saw something on TV that showed that gastric bypass was becoming a 1st choice for a lot of Doctors. Mainly because it usually eliminates diabetes within days. So there's a lot of plusses going for it by just that fact.
Sorry about mixing imperial and metric, but one year ago I had turned 58 years of age, am 5' 7" tall and weighed 81kg, not a good look. I built up over one mth to 60 min fast walk 7 days a week, watched my food intake and in 3 mths I was at 69 kg. One year on holding 69 / 70 kg and only walking when I drink too much, that's about 2 days a week. It can work, I have done it. Good luck.

Sal Paradise

Good luck. I have the same problem, but I keep telling myself that I will start working out and dieting tomorrow. Been saying that for 5 years now.

Just now, I was making my lunch and I noticed the bread said " No high fructose corn syrup". What? Are you kidding me?? Bread has high fructose corn syrup?? So I check another loaf and sure enough - there it is!! WTF??!! My wife makes bread about once a week and there aint no corn syrup in it. Not necessary!!!

This is a big part of the problem - somewhere, for some reason, assholes are out there putting corn syrup in all our food.
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Two old truisms,
The road to hell is paved with good intentions.
The longest journey starts with a single step.

Oh and one other, it's a two word story, "eat less".

Sorry to be a :hj: but I have worked hard this year and am a happy boy.


Street Tracker
I thought this was going to be a thread where you were grinding off the passenger pegs,
bobbing or binning the tins & getting new rims. :D

Instead you are embarking on far more radical mods. :worthy:

Good luck matey!


TT Racer
Thats great, and for performance purposes each 7 pounds shed is roughly equal to 1 hp gained. In the long haul though, your joints and heart with love you for life.


Good luck with your efforts Jhtjon, it's a tough time to lose weight for some of us mortals...I've been lucky and have dropped 55 lbs with another 20 to go before I plateau at 190-195.
I've learned a couple of tricks, and have worked hard to adjust my "habits" to lose the weight, I'm not heavy enough for the bypass and am okay with that, if you can stick with your program and maintain and keep those good habits you should do just fine.
Remember, you have a bunch of support right here so don't think you're alone in this effort, don't hesitate to call on us if you need it. Hey, we could even open a weight loss thread....hmmmm....


Street Tracker
I did the same several years ago! I lost over 100 pounds.

Link Beware though, it is easy to backslide. I have managed to only gain back 20 pounds in 5+ years, but it is a constant struggle.

Good luck!

Jim :cool:

PS Looks like I need to update my page.


Good deal - you'll be faster on and off the bike.
I lost about 25 lbs three years ago, used this free website to monitor my daily calorie count intake. They have all the major restaurants and grocery store foods in their database. Once you get them in your account, adding meal calories is a snap. Did I mention it is free?


>>This is a big part of the problem - somewhere, for some reason, assholes are out there putting corn syrup in all our food.<<

Everything has high fructose corn syrup in it now as well as loads of chemicals made from corn and soy. Even if you eat meat, you are eating corn.

If you haven't already seen it, watch this movie:

Food, Inc.


Its actually a good family movie event.

Or read the books:

Fast Food Nation and Omnivore's Dilemma