Xmas Parties With Bonnielass are FUN! [NSFW]


Blue Haired Freak
Or.... what we did last weekend. :)




Blue Haired Freak
yeah, that will work....

... not!

Funny way you guys have of showing your appreciation. I don't HAVE to post Bonnielass pix, ya know!!!


Street Tracker
I think you all should meet her in person hahahahahaha. I dont think the pictures on here do her any justice . Jeff I think its the cold weather they aren't thinking clearly keep posting the photos or not doesn't matter to me I will see you all soon enough anyway LOL. Man what happened to the hair you trying to pull off normal or something?

i for one would love to meet Bonnielass and BlueJ but, since I leave across the US from them I'll have to make do with the pics. KEEP THEM COMING!!!


there both fine people. yea blue is getting looking normal now .Did he have to go to court or something or is that just winter growth lol.


Street Tracker
You never know PB they are the kind of people to ride out if the urge hits and let me tell ya Blue can ride and Lass rolls to she is no slouch on a bike I would ride with her anyday and Blue Jay sorry Jeff didn't mean to leave ya out. Both of them are cool in my book.



J and Lass are top notch folks, hail and well met wherever they go. BlueJ is easy to spot with his blue hair (my daughter thought it was soooo cool) and to find BonnieLass you need only follow the gaze of every warm-blooded male in the crowd. And they do have beautiful bikes!

Speaking of which, BlueJ: Have you had any luck finding someone to do that portrait on your bike?


Blue Haired Freak
Hey guys! Hope you all have a Merry Christmas, Happy New Year, Joyus Festivus, Happy Hannukah, Christmakwanzaka, whatever floats your boat!!!
