

Two Stroke
Thoughts, comments, tips? I've got a battery tender and will be parking my bonny Bonnie in the living room in an appropriately prominent position. Should I drain the tank and idle out the lines before rolling it in or fill up the tank, add stabilizer, idle out the lines, do a little dance, make a little noise and then roll it...


Street Tracker
I wouldn't want a fuelled up bike in my living room.

But then my living room is on the first floor............
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If you're parking it in the living room with a tank full of gasoline, you'd better check your insurance. I'd remove the tank and leave it somewhere outside the house, maybe in a friend's garage.


Street Tracker
If you're parking it in the living room with a tank full of gasoline, you'd better check your insurance. I'd remove the tank and leave it somewhere outside the house, maybe in a friend's garage.

As a career fire fighter I would not recommend leaving the fuel in the tank especially if it gets cold and you light your fire or smoke nearby in an enclosed room. As the vapours from the tank (Fuel) may leak out and you will create an explosive environment in your living room. Oil however combusts but its not explosive and requires a fair amount of heat to be provided before it burns. So no need to drain this unless you would prefer too especially if it leaks a bit. Post some pics I bet it will look cool in the lounge I might do the same over winter :headbang2:


but I used to keep my Bultaco Sherpa T in the kitchen in my apartment until the gas tank split and melted the carpet: OOPS


Why winterize. I just start mine up and take a short but chilly ride once a week or so. Never had a problem.


TT Racer
I roll smaller bikes down into my basement through the bilco doors. But I do remove the tanks and leave them in the garage first-but it still makes me nervous when you can still smell gas fumes. The bilco doors are very close to the furnace and HWH with open flames. It makes a great place to work on a winter project though.


TT Racer
I've parked my bike indoors, but not in the living room. Did not drain the tank, so there's some gasoline fumes coming from the tank vent. Will drain the tank to get rid of those fumes.


Two Stroke
Why winterize? Unless you absolutely, positively don’t intend on riding for the next four months, why bother? Throughout the winter there’s those occasional days when the weather lets up enough for a bundled up ride. If the bike’s sitting on the charger and all gassed up, you’ll be ready to go.

It’s like every year when we close the pool and the next weekend it hits 90. I’m left sitting there staring at a pool cover. Would hate to take the bike out of commission and miss a chance to ride.


Living room....I'm lucky my wife and daugthers let me have space in the garage.
Gas in house bad idea.....tank easy to take off.

Chris in NC

Street Tracker
I kept my '09 50th Anniversary T100 in my dining room for 8+ months before I (finally) decided to start riding it. Full tank, with a little Stabil inside. No issues whatsoever.

I'm a non-smoker, and I didn't put it near a heater vent.