Why some harley riders give a bad name


Street Tracker
Yeah...at first read it might seem like a bit of bla, bla, bla and a bit of a wank but I think the true gist what koifarm has started is what we'd all like to see.....harmony and camaraderie between Bikers.....a righteous cause man!

It may never happen but I believe if each one of US continues to do what we've always done and wave to passing bikers and let THEM do what they think they have to do to make them look cool.......it's cool!

It was interesting to see the harmony and cameraderie that existed amongst the 5,000 bikers assembled at the recent Xmas Toy Run held here. There were predominately Bikers represented but there were also quite a few Bikies wearing colours of so-called Outlaw M/C groups. At the assembly area prior to the run, they were mixing with the crowd, laughing & joking with the rest of us. On the run, with 5,000 bikes riding 4 & 5 abreast, I was riding amongst a group of Harleys ridden by guys wearing colours and they were curtious and friendly, waving to the onlookers.....but I suppose riding a big Harley chopper with a giant, pink, stuffed Teddy Bear sat on the handlebars is a great leveller.:up:

Sal Paradise

well , as much as I dig the sentiment of waving - it can be a pain up in the mountains on a summer day.

Koi - what speed do you estimate the Harley riders were going?

I doubt I would pass a bike going 60, but I have occasionally passed slower bikes, and meant no disrespect. I can't say I have never passed a slow cage on a Double Yellow . But I always make sure I have plenty of room.

I think we need to remember passing is not a personal insult. I am ashamed to say I have chased a bike which passed me but only for fun and on a desolate mtn road. Again, nothing personal - I just wanted to play.


Most of the riders here nod, with waving only from female pillion passengers.
I have noticed however that the people on classic bikes are more prone to a wave:)
I also see the wave or nod as not only a camaraderie thing but also the fact that the rider is letting me know that all is welll ahead - no radar, accident etc.
As for nodding or waving on the mountains you can forget that I am far too busy.




well , as much as I dig the sentiment of waving - it can be a pain up in the mountains on a summer day.

Koi - what speed do you estimate the Harley riders were going?

I doubt I would pass a bike going 60, but I have occasionally passed slower bikes, and meant no disrespect. I can't say I have never passed a slow cage on a Double Yellow . But I always make sure I have plenty of room.

I think we need to remember passing is not a personal insult. I am ashamed to say I have chased a bike which passed me but only for fun and on a desolate mtn road. Again, nothing personal - I just wanted to play.

I was going between 60 and 65 mph when they passed, I don't normally care that much if someone chooses to pass on a double yellow line, If he's got a good look at what is coming it's his decision to take the chance...he was though, quite close to an oncoming car.
What really got me was as my attention was on him in case he pulled back in front of me quickly the dude who passed on the fucking RIGHT side at about the same time gave me a start! That's the kind of thing that could have resulted in a snarl had the rider on the left swerved suddenly in front of me and I either had to brake severely or even bobbled the slightest bit to the right he would have been toast, I'd have been involved in an accident and the day would have been quite different. That's the kind of thing that isn't acceptable or safe.
I fully agree that passing is not a personal insult but passing in a manner that endangers me and/or a fellow biker is a Romper Room No No of the most serious kind and passing on the right on a two lane ranks right up there with shit driving.
Just saying....


I know for sure that when I drive the sidecar my normal modus operendi of acknowledgment is a big nod of the head in most cases. I'd have to say most all of the oncoming bikers I meet will wave though....


usually the HD riders around there parts are the ones holding up traffic not passing it
you know, just out for a leisurely ride, dressed like a badass riding like an old lady