What the **** do you call that then?


Two Stroke
OK campers how about this baby...




An Italian custom guy did this to a Bonnie. He called it ''The Great Escape'' tribute to Steve and the film of that name of course....

What do you think?

Casper :)


Two Stroke
It's the Mad Max Triumph BonneSram. :eeek:

Yup, I'm inclined to agree with you on that.

Its such a personal thing isn't it, but the basic concept is great but the exhaust/muffler is a monstrosity, the gear shifter and 'kick start' idea is questionable.

Bit ten out of ten for effort though! :)



Two Stroke
I started writing and then realised I was just repeating what Casper said. That thing's butt ugly and a little bit sad, but I do like the saddle


TT Racer
Any ideas on that suicide shifter? It appears to have linkage that feeds back to the bottom of the carb. Maybe it does nothing, but maybe.............


Hey, It's no worse than any other "mod" IMHO, it shows a concept, well done and kinda funky looking in an "offroad/military" mode....I'll give you the kick start though, that is overkill and the pipes....hmmm....


TT Racer
the fake kicker and the suicide shifter are both pretty retarded, but I like a lot about the rest of it.. the green wheels/fork ears/bucket/tank, the blanked bulb, the seat/rack setup.. that's a pretty damn nice job, overall.


don't like it. The fake shit...the crinkle paint....vacum cleaner hse exhaust...It is definitely NOT a Steve McQueen machine....


Two Stroke
I think the door is wide open to take a concept like the Italian guy did and tidy up the exhaust (muffler) and dump the hand shift and kicker.

I prefer this sort of approach which is not the same as a McQueen Great Escape machine, but maybe you agree?

Cleaner lines....


Casper :)
U know i like all 3 bikes! But most would say there is something wrong with me, and most dont like direction I have gone with mine. I so wanna post a Steve mcqueen scrambler I saw in bathurst but dont have a pic and not sure when I will be there next. Otherwise (Kev). If you read this. Dont forget to take one. Or if have his number tell him to email me one mate.
Just love what He has done.
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