Vintage Pratt & Whitney Lathe ***PICS***


Spent a while over at my friends shop this afternoon checking out his vintage Pratt & Whitney lathe....

He'd just serviced the holds 10 quarts

Just how cool is this gearbox? The brass pipes are spray bars for oil flow...







Two Stroke
hope this helps.
The War Production Board (WPB) was established as a government agency on January 16, 1942 by executive order of Franklin D. Roosevelt. The purpose of the board was to regulate the production and allocation of materials and fuel during World War II in the United States. It rationed such things as gasoline, heating oil, metals, rubber, paper[1] and plastics. It was dissolved shortly after the defeat of Japan in 1945.

The first chairman of the Board was Donald M. Nelson from 1942 to 1944 followed by Julius A. Krug from 1944 until the Board was dissolved.


hope this helps.
The War Production Board (WPB) was established as a government agency on January 16, 1942 by executive order of Franklin D. Roosevelt. The purpose of the board was to regulate the production and allocation of materials and fuel during World War II in the United States. It rationed such things as gasoline, heating oil, metals, rubber, paper[1] and plastics. It was dissolved shortly after the defeat of Japan in 1945.

The first chairman of the Board was Donald M. Nelson from 1942 to 1944 followed by Julius A. Krug from 1944 until the Board was dissolved.

Thats VERY helpful...thanks...

So how did your friend acquire it? How much? Tell us the story!

He's had it for many years...Not sure how he got it.

Awesome... sure would love to stand there
and watch it spin... post a vid!

Its a pretty machine to watch running.


Beautiful chunk of iron and steel there, If you would permit it, I would love to send these pics to my buddies on the Old Engine and antique tools website ( I'll bet they would love to have a looksee at that sweetheart!
Thanks for posting these wonderful pics.


When I was a kid I worked a couple of summers for my friend's dad. He made decorative iron and used a lathe to twist strands of iron. It was fun work and it was fun working with a forge. He also made the frames for Xmas displays all over the country.

Seeing machinery like he had is fun.


American Infidel
Just how cool is this gearbox? The brass pipes are spray bars for oil flow...

I wanna dip my balls in it.

Oh wait, that would hurt. Nevermind.

Still, it's badass!
I was just about to say something like . . . that was so fucking amazing I rushed out to the living room and dragged my wife off the couch and away from the Home Channel to come have a look at this . . . but then i saw Jeff's post and that said it all! :lol:

All kidding aside - it is quite the conversation piece! I wonder if my wife would let me put it in the dining room as a side table kinda thingy?


spray bars for oil flow is common in engine lathes...they still use this set up today. We still have a 1937 bullard(vertical lathe) in our shop ,it's belt drive..we keep it around to run cast iron on(DIRTY SHIT) roughing work and so on..