Un-f-ing believeable

It's definitely time to at least have a chat with a lawyer to find out what your options are. I know nothing about legal issues, but this looks like a claim on your landlord, not on your own insurance.

They really screwed up this time, didn't they? What on earth was the maintenance man thinking? Or was he? What a dope.


Well the apartment office is playing he said she said. At first it was a guy that came and said his garage door opener was lost, then the manager yesterday evening said it was a woman, and that they misfiled what garage was actually mine. The amount of tools missing isn't anything too drastic, mostly sockets and some wrenches and shit, probably total 150 bucks worth. I think they got spooked/interrupted while they were in there or something by the disorganization of the tools. I walk by early every morning and late every night with my dogs and pistola just in case. The sheriffs office showed up and the guy basically said, this isn't worth filing a report over we aren't going to find your misc. missing tools. The apartment isn't going to do a damn thing. It's not the tools I'm extremely pissed about its that they just let someone into my space. The benefit of my job is connections so I have a lawyer sending them a nice legal document at no cost to me and they advised me that if its marginal loss then to send them this document and see what they say, if nothing then just move out when my lease is up and go somewhere else. If they offer compensation he said to account for my grievance and not feeling my belongings were safe as well as the missing value of tools and with that money to buy a whole big new set. I really just want out of this complex. Don't go with Greystar management co. if any of you live in apartments.


NBR founder
The sheriffs office showed up and the guy basically said, this isn't worth filing a report over we aren't going to find your misc. missing tools. The apartment isn't going to do a damn thing.

hmmm ... you need a report for documentation purposes if you are planning on holding the apartment management liable for your property lost or stolen. It really irks me when an Officer talks his way out of doing a simple 'met with complainant' report because he's lazy. Call the Sheriffs Office back out and have a THEFT report filed and make sure the Deputy supplies you with his name and case number. If the next Deputy who shows up starts hem-haw'in around about how this isnt worth his time or yours, request a Supervisor to your location.

Here's what you have; a BURGLARY and THEFT has occurred because of a negligent act from the property management. File a report and obtain a copy of it from your local Sheriffs Office, which should be available to you 3 to 5 business days after it's filed.


OK. Why not just deduct the cost of your tools from the next months rent. They will have to pay attention to you then. They cost you that amount of money thru poor maintenance or management of the complex and you're entitled to recover your losses.... aren't you?


Street Tracker
Listen to the Dude! Tell the ofc. you don't need his permission, a burglary was committed, and the apartment leasing office has suspect info. He needs to do his job, plain and simple.


1. get a PD report filed and get a copy
2. send letter to the management company with a $ demand for the missing tools, give them 20 days to respond (or whateve the time period is in your state)
3. file an action in small claims court, filing fee less tahn $30
4. miss a days work sitting in court to talk to an attorney(clerk of the court) who will make a decision and render a court order

or pay an atotrney +++$$$ to make a demand for $150 in tools, you will probably pay 4x the value of the tools in fees

call Barack Obama as he is going to fix everything


Ah shit, now the taxpayers are going to end up paying $7.5 million for his $150 worth of tools.

Thanks a lot drlapo!


Bha ha ha ha, woo hoo. . . .but where the fuck is the other almost 7.5 million going. . . IF they give it to me parts for everyone!! They were polite enough to call this morning and knock the garage fee off for the remainder of my lease, comes out to about 240 bucks in my pocket, and then may I move out and deal with these pieces of shit no more


Bha ha ha ha, woo hoo. . . .but where the fuck is the other almost 7.5 million going. . . IF they give it to me parts for everyone!! They were polite enough to call this morning and knock the garage fee off for the remainder of my lease, comes out to about 240 bucks in my pocket, and then may I move out and deal with these pieces of shit no more

sounds like they are doing right by you
problem solved?



Texas94fs said:
They were polite enough to call this morning and knock the garage fee off for the remainder of my lease, comes out to about 240 bucks in my pocket, and then may I move out and deal with these pieces of shit no more
Sounds like someone with some sanity resolved the issue and headed off what could have been a sticky situation on their part.
Thank your lucky stars the break in wasn't more serious than it was, otherwise you'd be in a worse pickle than you are now.
The offshoot of this whole thing is that it's quite likely rattled the cages of management on up the line and some new policies may be in place to prevent future happenings like the one you were involved in.