Un-f-ing believeable


So I walk out to my garage yesterday at my apartment complex, click click. . . door doesn't open. HMMM, no all my bills are current I don't owe them any money, so I'm not locked out. Battery must be dead. Call the office they say they are sending maintenance over after i tell them that my garage won't open. Then they proceed to ask me if I am sure of the number and I reply . . .hmm yes I'm standing out front of it being late for work now. 20 minutes later no maintenance man so I call back and they put me on hold and say he is on his way immediately. The guy gets there and says oh yea someone said they lost their opened to this garage so we brought them in and programmed it to work. THEY GAVE AN OPENER TO MY GARAGE TO SOMEONE ELSE WITHOUT CHECKING ID, so some asshole has had access to my garage for 2-3 days and I've been locked out. My bike, an antique 1930s vanity that I've redone and, all of my tools are in there. I think a nice brand new top box filled with metric tools may have gone missing. This is ridiculous, I am furious and would have gone into the office yesterday but I was already 30 minutes late to a meeting with my bosses, boss. So I'm going in this morning to crack some skulls. Any advice on how to best these pieces of shit and get something for this crap. I've never been late on rent and have fully paid all my deposits and pet deposits ($800) for 2 dogs. Shit they might as well have just given the asshole keys to my fucking apartment!


NBR founder
unless something is actually stolen, sounds like all you really can do is file a complaint with corporate about the employees half-ass job. if stuff is missing, then I can see the complex being held responsible for replacing or paying for those items - but that would something to be settled in civil court.


immediatly send a letter, registered mail, to the responsible party. be polite but outline the situation and tell them that you will take inventory of your possesions and will make claim against them if anything is missing. it is best to put them on notice NOW!. you should be contacted by them or their insurance carrier in 10 days


Thanks, that is what I am going to do. I'll be going to the post office on my lunch break today. Currently on hold with corporate. Fuckers.


be calm; no one cares about you. this is just another business matter. Don't let them hurt your feelings; just handle it and move on. Don't allow emotions in.


Street Tracker
That's fucked up. Make a claim, they are accountable.
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I cannot offer you legal advice but if tools are missing be sure to advise the insurance adjuster that the tools were Craftsmanr Snap on and depreciation is not applicalbe as the tools are guaranteed for life


TT Racer
If anything is missing - they should know who the thief is - the assholes that gave him your garage opener should know what he looks like at least. :chair:


Two Stroke
That's very messed up. I'd be so mad if I were you that I wouldn't be able think straight.
Sounds like drlapo is giving you good advice. Listen to him. He's right, those people don't give a shit about you. You'll get their attention by going about this wisely and professionally. They'll just laugh at you if you yell and cuss.

Good luck!


Drlapo is right on, be cool, no yelling, no cursing, take it down a notch and be cool.

and then take care of business.


Street Tracker
Obviously they fucked up, but no harm no foul. If you falsely claim that things are missing, your just another piece of shit looking for something for nothing. But I shouldn't be suprised, seems our society has somehow adopted this point of view.


Looks like a case for your own lock on the door from now on, a locksmith (or you) can install either a hasp/padlock or flush mount an outside deadbolt to both the left and right sides of that door. That should stop the BS. If you can access your garage from an inside door, you can discreetly drill a couple of holes somewhere in the doorframe and drop a couple of ten penny nails in there to lock it that way which keeps the resident maintenance fuckoff entirely out of the loop and rendering any remote opener useless.
Don't blame you for being pissed, you should be.


Went in was very calm, they said that they were trying to contact the people who said it was theirs. These people physically entered my space and I just did an inventory and my tools are in fact jumbled about and most are missing. I told them what was missing and they said I was a matter of a renters insurance claim. I politely calmly but at a raised decibel told them that they gave someone other than me free acess to it property and that they were at fault. I then told them that it was basically giving someone keys to my apartment and them having stolen stuff from there.


Ok what they are telling you is half true; a homeowners, rental, polcy could respond to the loss but i is your decison on where you will present your claim Make formal demand on the management compnay to reimburse you for your loss. if yo do not have a full inventory make a demand "in excess of $500" (if that is true) you can modify your demand after you take your inventory and price it out. you should notify your homeowners carrier only if the mangement co does not respond positivley but in no case what more than two week to notify your insurance company or agent as late notice could jeopardize their subrogation potential and is grounds to deny your claim

report the theft to the Police NOW! they will want $ numbers too

liabiltiy is established, now it is jsut a matter of loss measure
email me with specific questions; this is what I do


Two Stroke
I politely calmly but at a raised decibel told them that they gave someone other than me free acess to it property and that they were at fault. I then told them that it was basically giving someone keys to my apartment and them having stolen stuff from there.

And that couldn't be more true. No two ways about it. Without verifying I.D., THEY gave someone access to your stuff.

How's this work? Can't be B&E if someone gave them access. It is theft.


I'm reporting it to the local authorities as soon as I get off of work, the letter now has a stamp from a lawyer on it so it can not be ignored. This is negligence and breach of contract and are liable for it from my understanding.
sucks man! If you need to use any tools in the mean time let me know, I have a ton of stuff. I just won't be leaving them at your place :D

Good luck.


Street Tracker
Certainly file a police report. Make it soon. No officer will want to hear about a theft that happened "a week or two ago", their reaction will be "if it wasn't important a week ago, why is it important now?" As for the legal stuff, in Florida at least it could be a Felony Burglary, which is defined as "entering or remaining in a structure or dwelling, with the intent to commit a crime therein" with the crime being (grand) theft. If you get a rookie, they may want to label it a simple theft, which could be a misdemeanor and therefore not followed up as thouroghly as it should be. But if you can politely point out it's a burglary (if it is in texas) then at least it should get more follow-up, possibly by an assigned Detective. And have a complete list, if possible, of everything missing and it's retail value, along with any distinguishing marks or features. Best of luck to you!