Triumph, old and new.


At the hotel where I work, the general manager has a '71 TR6. I park my 09 SE right next to it, and he always comments when he sees me that mine is the only bike he lets park next to his car. Free parking? Thanks again, triumph.

Crappy picture, yeah. iPhone camera sucks.



Y'know it's funny about parking two triumphs next to each other. For a time i had a little red TR-3 which ran on about the same regularity of a withered Enfield, it would run all week and I'd spend the weekends putting it back in running a way, it was just like my triumph bikes in those years....I guess the Lucas legacy lives on in the Triumph family....
The thing about it I remember the most was driving in the rain, you needed wipers on the inside because about as much water flowed through the gap where the top met the windshield it would get you as wet as with the top down.... not only that, you could pull the engine in about 20 minutes and getting those old Weber carbs to balance was an act for a magician.
It was a cool car though, fun to drive and a definite babe magnet.....