Trip to Motorcyclepedia Museum

Sal Paradise

Its cold and snowy so we took a trip yesterday to Motorcyclpedia in Newburgh NY about 10 miles from me. Free parking and admission tickets were $11.
Well worth it.

Fantastic place - amazing collection of antique motorcycles. The building has to be 50,000 s.f. with hundreds of bikes. The staff is super friendly - once they found out we were riders, the velvet ropes came down and we could walk in right up to the bikes. I met the vice president of public relations and the owner, Ted himself walking around. Very happy atmosphere. My one criticism is their signage sucked. Basically each bike had an 8 1/2" x 11" paper zip tied to it telling you what it was. The exception to this was the Indian timeline room which had EVERY INDIAN MOTORCYCLE MADE FROM EVERY YEAR.

Indian Collection

More of the Indian collection


An example of an un-restored 1900's Harley ( Note coaster brake - very typical)


There were hundred of antique bikes ( but not much info) - note the bikeon the right with the gold tank - typical of these bikes, you had levers for timing, mixture, throttle, levers for clutch, shift levers - and hand pump for oil. Between all the levers and pumps, and with almost no brakes you had to be a wizard to ride these bikes.

Me standing behind a giant motorcycle made with wagon wheels and 2 1000 cc engines - a real working bike made by some nut/genius in the 1950s. The wall of death int he back is accepting apprentices for $375. You take 5 lessons and then if you pass you ride the wall for real.


Indian 4 cylinder prototype


Steam powered velocipede from the 1870s


unrestored 1908 Indian


early Jap ice racer


4 engine mini drag bike


tiny tiny working motorcycles

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Sal Paradise

Thanks very much guys. I had to be with motorcycles. There was a lot I didn't see. They had a whole exhibit on Japanese motorcycles that was decent, some choppers, and some cool weirdo space ship cars from the 70's that were based on bikes.

Its been there about a year , Matt. Great place.


Looks like you could spend a week just looking them over Sal, some great pics.... Thank you so much.....


Cafe Racer
The 'burgh looks like it is getting famous!! I will have to hit that up followed by a trip to Pete's Hot Dog Stand! ;)


Fantastic Post

Great shots and looks like heaven for motorcycle lovers. I remember watching the old wall of death riders at the local fair when I was much younger and they all rode Indians. Hopefully I am going to make the ride from Virginia to the Barber Museum sometime this spring with one saddlebag full of Advil and Icy Hot. Supposed to be the "Mecca" of motorcycle museums from what I have heard. I am certainly going to make note of the place you visited in case travels ever take me north.

Sal Paradise

For you Britman - and may I say that between the Chesapeake and the mountains, well your area is pretty special. The wall of death is actually taking apprentices if you read this notice from the museum, I'm tempted.



For you Britman - and may I say that between the Chesapeake and the mountains, well your area is pretty special. The wall of death is actually taking apprentices if you read this notice from the museum, I'm tempted.


Thanks Sal, but I believe I will have to take a pass. At my age most of parts have now become obsolete and my Wife is certainly not going to pick splinters out of my old arse......