throttle tamer


Clearly this isn't really an issue with the bonnie, but with my new Street Triple, I'm considering giving this a try. Has anyone had any experience with the G2 Street Tamer Throttle Tube? It's looks like a pretty simple way to mitigate the twitchy-ness of the Streetie.


description from the website:
G2 Challenge: Improve control of over-responsive power characteristics of most fuel injected motorcycles.

G2 Solution: The Throttle Tamer.

The Throttle Tamer incorporates a non-linear ratio between hand throttle rotation and carburetor or throttle body opening. The “pulley”, or as we call it, “cam” pulls the throttle cable as the rider rotates the grip/tube. By altering the conventional, circular shaped cam, a vast improvement in control is achieved.

The Throttle Tamer has a cam with a reduced radius initially, which requires a slightly farther rotation to achieve the same carburetor or throttle body opening position as a stock throttle. This virtually eliminates the jerky “throttle snatch” especially evident in modern fuel injected street bikes. The radius increases or “ramps up” after ½ throttle to keep overall rotation requires to reach full throttle at or near stock rotation.
I think a lot of that throttle jerkiness is due to the stock EFI tune. I've read that it can be tuned out with good results.


Blue Haired Freak
Hahah! It's like the opposite of a race throttle, which goes to WOT in like 1/4 of a turn.

You could pull one spark plug.


yeah, sweat, it think a lot of it is the change from carbs to EFI that is responsible for my current learning curve.

. . .

and just for what it's worth. . . it's not the take-off from a stop or switching gears that can be noticeably touchy, it's the notchy throttle combined with the magic-marker-circumference grip (as compared to the bonnie) that are responsible for the mid-RPM lurches. . . even in higher gears.

also, i realize that some guys may want the cutting edge performance, but I don't need (nor do I really want) that instant-on power.


You gotta ask yerself if your learning curve will eventually cure the snatchiness or if you just don't wanna mess with it. I know you're getting fatter grips, so that might help. Do things a bit at a time.:vp:


TT Racer
I'd wait till springtime when you can get a lot more miles on her and possibly overcome that throttle behavior. I know every time I go from my Bonnie to my sons Ducati the same thing happens to me. After a while I adjust to it and no more problems.


Street Tracker
When I got my EFI Scrambler I noticed the same twitchy throttle. I've just learned to accept it and now it is a non issue.