This Room is So Big!

Jimi X

Jeff tipped me off to the new site. I have been here almost from the beginning. Haven't had a chance to thank him yet. Thanks Jeff!. Sure feels great not to have someone looking over your shoulder for anything as simple as a spelling mistake. I had a PM edited for using shit as an adjective?? What's up with that? I thought PM's were only viewed by the intended recipient?

Anyway, Bonafide,...Big Thanks for the new site. I haven't read the rules yet,...are there rules? :D

I was supposed to post my intro, even if it was just to say "Hey!",...So "Hey!" (Looks like I finally got around to it)

There it is. Hmmmm, now what will be my new avatar?
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The most important rule is don't be a douche, that's the only thing that will get you chucked, oh yeah beaver shots and pics of fats chicks are no-nos too.


I had a PM edited for using shit as an adjective?? What's up with that? I thought PM's were only viewed by the intended recipient?

Welcome aboard Jimi. When I first joined the ratnet,I became friends with a guy in NewYork with the aka of HVT [HudsonValleyTriumph] His real name is Steve.He and I would PM back and forth about a bunch of different stuff including his office at the WTC being destroyed on 9-11 and modifying the Bonnie.He started me on the road to modding doom as a newbie.Anyway,he and I chatted online there about some issues he had with RaceDweeb/BellaCorse and some of the stuff Mike sells. It seemed that the powers that be were reading our PMs,and forwarding the bad tidings on to whom ever they wished.Excerpts of our PMs were quoted in posts to threads and such on several occasions.Pretty disconcerting to me and it drove HVT to quit the ratnet and takes his knowlege with him. I`ve been careful what I PMed ever since.
Glad the DUDE don`t cotton to that kinda shit here.


NBR founder
Hmmmm .... I can't read user PMs even if I wanted. I've been using the VBulletin forum stuff from Jelsoft since about 2000 or 2001. If it's a hack they offer, I've never paid much attention to it. There again, I'm not a douche who would go around reading other people's mail. ;)
Are you shitting me??!!! They read your PMs? I foolishly thought the mods couldn't access your PMs.

That's not only unethical,but since they are labeled "Private Messages" there might even be some legal issues involved here.
I think the nanny software scans every message for inappropriate language. I think there'd be legal issues with them actually reading (& editing) private correspondance, & I don't think they're that stupid.
Well,my mind is at ease. Haggis just PMed over there to let me know that nobody reads our PMs.So those of us that are still occasional two-timers can rest easy that we are not being spied upon. ;)


This PM stuff happened almost 4 years ago.I have no idea who did it or how.Maybe they just had it out for my friend because he was critical of one of the old ratnets main supporters,who knows. I`ve not had any problems with the new or old ratnet .

Jimi X

I have received PM's on T-rat with the sender telling me to "fuck off". These I received in the January/February time frame this year. Not a big deal,...I was being myself, putting out a fire with gasoline, inviting a person to completely have a meltdown on a thread. No name calling,..just letting a person of extremely limited sensibilities make a complete fool of himself. The thread was closed. The PM was deleted.

So haggis95, are you lurking out there??


American Infidel
Welcome to the show Jimi X

Here's Da Rules - and if you need any interpretations of said Da Rules, just ask Hedge. ;)
Welcome Jimi - great to see you over here. :)

#1 - The first rule of Fight Club is, you do not talk about Fight Club.
#2 - The second rule of Fight Club is, you DO NOT talk about Fight Club.
#3 - If someone says stop, goes limp, taps out, the fight is over.
#4 - Two guys to a fight.
#5 - One fight at a time.
#6 - No shirts, no shoes.
#7 - Fights will go on as long as they have to.
#8 - If this is your first night at Fight Club, you have to fight. :D
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