The perfect handlebars


TT Racer
Courtesy of samc, I now have some superbars on their way. Will be interesting to see how they'l work, I'll probably run them with a 1/2" to begin with


Ok...more handlebar questions...

I am looking at swapping out my '08 oem bars for something a bit lower. The current width works for me, so I would like to stay about that size. I really can't see myself with Ace bars, so these NH Low bars look to be pretty good. Am I reading right that they are similar in width to oem bar, they just don't rise as high? Has/does anyone use 'em?

I have a set of the Hyde low UK bars on my bike and they are very comfortable and neautral. I am thinking about going with a little more aggressive bar, but will likely come back to these because they are so comfortable. Sorry this the only pic of the bars I have right now.



I replaced the OEM bars with some black NH "M" bars on my T100. By my calculation the "M" bars are only about 1/2" wider than the OEMs. This switch has completely transformed the handling of the bike, though. Much, much better. And of course they look much better...

Shorty 71

I went for originality. Also being a bit over 6' with a 34" sleeve, I like a little height. Further, as my bikes live in the house with me, they have to fit through a standard door and I got tired of wriggling the handlebars to fit em through.

My solution? Z Bars! A full 13 letters down the alphabet from M Bars!


The Z bars look good:headbang2: