Thank You mother nature


Street Tracker
68 cloudy slight breeze out of the south and a bunch of winter peg scraping . I just got back from 100 miles of back roads and open highway screaming just what the doctor ordered. I just figured out why I love my bike so much the sound of D&Ds screaming over the ipod with no phone ringing or wife talking its better then a shrink LOL.



I did the same thing in east Ohio Saturday,it was 67 out..109 miles of it's like 27 out with snow coming for new years

derby boy

Two Stroke
Went for a little 200+ mile run yesterday. It started around 65° and down to around 50° when I was done. The Arizona desert is beautiful this time of year.


I put about 150 miles on saturday. It felt great to scrape the pegs again, until halfway thru a corner, the road was wet from being in the shade. A little slip, tightened sphincter, and I slowed down the rest of the day.

I stopped at a local biker bar where they appreciate my bike, and had lots of fun with a guy that just bought his first bike a month ago, a Suzuki m109. He will not be alive too much longer.


Weather here was great yesterday, a balmy 70 degrees. But with my tires in the shape they are I didn't hit the roads. I figure after weeks of not riding I'm not in good enough riding form to deal with the strong possibility of finding a slippery spot with slick tires.