So there I was...


Blue Haired Freak
.. on my aforementioned back road home, having left work early because it was such a nice day. On the same aforementioned back road where I usually channel my inner TT racer and zip along at 5K rpms in 3rd or better (that's 130 kph for you metric types).

But TODAY, because I left work early, there were many many cagers on that same road, and I was stuck in the middle of the pack. On that 2 lane country road with the double yellow line. But it was a pretty day, so I stayed there, in the middle of the pack, and sorta zoned out, keeping a constant distance between me and the guy ahead of me and keeping an eye on the guy behind me.

So we're collectively poking along on this gorgeous day and come over a hill in front of a sweeping left turn and the nice man with the funny looking flashlight waves every single one of us over so he could ask about "what year is that bike" and "can I see your license and registration" and "could you take your helmet off so I can see if you're who you say you are" and "45 in a 30 zone".

So part of me is like FUCK! I didn't want a speeding ticket!!!!

And part of me is like FUCK! Going right along with traffic going slo-o-ow and *that's* when I get a speeding ticket???

And part of me is like FUCK! I'm glad there was traffic here today or it would have been more like "70 in a 30 zone, get off the bike sir!"


At least the nice man with the funny flashlight said he'd call it 39 instead so it would only be one point.

*sigh* again.

Fucking cagers.....


shitty. Always when you dont expect it. Why didnt he ticket the car in front of you or were you closing on him?


That does blow! I feel for you: favorite road + line of slow-ass drivers / cops running speed trap * speeding ticket = one messed up day! (That's what I call asshole math, BTW)
I hope you weren't the only one in the line that got a "please pay by" love letter from the man?


Blue Haired Freak
Why didnt he ticket the car in front of you or were you closing on him?

Sorry I didn't make that clear. He pulled the whole line over - 2 in front of me, me, and one behind me. The guy behind HIM apparently laid on the brakes in time and got waved through.


Street Tracker
dude!.....ok. YES, that sucks but the beginning of your story gave me the chills. I was expecting something worse!

ride on!

Nick Morey

Speeding tickets always suck, but 39 in a 30 beats 70 in a 30 anyday. You should count your blessings, BlueJ!
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Street Tracker
If it were me I'd get a lawyer, and get that thing down to less than 5 over. Don't take the point. It's worth the $300.00 IMO.

Because for me there's always a "next time", and points add up both on your license and insurance.

Glad you're OK though. The way you started out, I thought you were going to say that you wrecked...


Tickets are sooo much like fishing. Sorry you got hooked today BlueJ.

My last ticket was one exactly like that, five cops working a left hand turn signal (Y'know three cars go thru on the yellow dontchaknow and I was the 4th). Went to court and got it pleaded down to a fixit ticket (no points), paid my $100 and was onde with it. The "judge" heard me say the fishing comment and he repeated it from the bench. The courtroom got a chuckle from that.:usa:
I cant afford tickets as a Motorbike postie. But today I was sent to campbelltown at 10 am from Penrith to do a relief. A good 50 kms of open road with twisties. I sat on 140 for practically the whole trip with no cars, cops or cameras. Life is so good


Two Stroke

Geeeeze Dave,
140 kph on CT110 with post bags on back.
Who was towing you.:poke:

The red blurrrrr thats all you woulda been. :lol3:
Smartarse lol But I actually have got one of those gems up to 90k, going back from blue mountains to Penrith and it felt very stable!
Hey mate have weekend's free from 20th this month. We must catch up and do something.
Sorry to hi jack thread blue. Know a cop who might be able to get you off. He is doing a Honda up at present ;-)
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That sucks, just plead innocent and see if they will reduce it to a non moving violation...

What sucks? Blue was lucky, saved by a line of cars holding him up.

You say, "plead innocent", in other words tell an outright lie. BlueJ said he normally travels that road at TT speed and this day the cop let him off with less than the device legally got him for. What ever happened to being responsible for your actions. Smile, pay the fine and get on with the next ride.


Blue Haired Freak
... Blue was lucky...

I think that's the essential bottom line of my original post. :) I've ridden that road literally hundreds of times. And with the exception of rainy days, I'd say yesterday was the slowest I've ever been over that rise (unless there are cars, of course). So, yeah, coulda been way worse.

It'd be nice to not have to take the point, though. I certainly bought the ticket.

And, I don't usually go at TT speed. I said "channeling my inner TT racer". My Bonnie can't even get CLOSE to TT speed. And there's something very sobering about zipping down a country lane at 70-80 mph and thinking, "Hmm. Those TT boys are going TWICE this fast on just such a road!!" YIKES!

Sal Paradise

otherwise - here in the U.S., we are innocent until proven guilty. The exact opposite of Oz, where you all decended from convicted criminals! Haha!!! :)


otherwise - here in the U.S., we are innocent until proven guilty. The exact opposite of Oz, where you all decended from convicted criminals! Haha!!! :)

Being guilty until proven innocent is just a time saving thing here , we can't be bothered going to court sometimes , just get it over and done with :d


I drive pretty sedately now compared to my wild untamed youth so it's no problem for me to pay a ticket every five years or so. But I will plead it down if I can just to save buckage and points. I really loved when I had my CDL, double points! 24 was a lot better than 12. But I never did run across any "Nazi" cops out there on the road, just ones doing their jobs.:w:w:w:w
otherwise - here in the U.S., we are innocent until proven guilty. The exact opposite of Oz, where you all decended from convicted criminals! Haha!!! :)

Yeah, my ancestors would hate me, moderately law abiding, no record, THE SHAME!
Joking aside, only two mths back I found out that I am Australian royalty, that is, direct line to convicts. Not so long ago people tried to hide convicts, now it's fashionable to have a couple.


Street Tracker
Yeah, my ancestors would hate me, moderately law abiding, no record, THE SHAME!
Joking aside, only two mths back I found out that I am Australian royalty, that is, direct line to convicts. Not so long ago people tried to hide convicts, now it's fashionable to have a couple.



Yeah, my ancestors would hate me, moderately law abiding, no record, THE SHAME!
Joking aside, only two mths back I found out that I am Australian royalty, that is, direct line to convicts. Not so long ago people tried to hide convicts, now it's fashionable to have a couple.

And you ride a POM bike?!?! I thought all convicts had HDs. :poke: