Smok'em if ya got'em


1 BBQ grill, #15 RIT dye and some turn signal lenses=...


bring almost to a boil - simmer for 20 min.



Sorry for the crappy camera phone pics. I was lazy.

Subtle but cool mod. especially on the bonneville blacks.

You can mix up a stronger batch, or cook longer to makem darker.

No more neon orange turn signals!


I think I can use that, Iam going to paint the indicator s black .and your mod would look great ,the only problem iam in oz ,15 RIT Dye never herd of it ??


Thanks lox Dont kmow about wether that brand will be avaliable, but it looks like any fabrick dye might work, that should be an interesting project..


Damn LS1, I couldn't wait to see just WTF you were gonna pull outta
that pot... new bracket?... a goat's head?... but didn't expect
turn signal lenses...

Cool mod, good work!


Just to forewarn anyone trying this - It makes a mess, you WILL get it on your clothes no matter how careful you are and it will most likely ruin the pot. That's why I did it outside on the grill, in an old pot.

I have not tried it yet, but i'm going to go out on a limb and say the turn signal stalks may be able to be dyed to a black chrome look using the same method. I need a bigger pot to test my theory.

You have been warned!


I can see the late night cable show now... "Cookin' up mods with LS1!"

You rock, dude! :worthy:


American Infidel
That my man - as my younger brother likes to say, is a "Handsome Piece of Thinking!" :rock:


I like this, LS1, but I pose a few questions: does the dye penetrate into the lens and will it fade off from rain/exposure and is the vivibility still good? I assume you did this recently and may not yet know all the answers to my questions.
Oh, and one more: what kind of wine do you suggest served with smoked lens?


I would recommend an ale to go with the smoked lens, the only wine I like is from a blower.

The plastic is actually dyed, it will not wash off. I'm not sure about fading, but if it ever does you could just dye them again, but I doubt it will fade. I don't think the tinting affects the light transmission very much, I didn't dye them very dark.

When I get a chance I will post a real camera shot of the lenses on the bike, and with the signals on.