Seat removal with rack.


My used Bonnie came with a Renntec rack. Does anyone know if you have to remove the rack to change the seat? There doesn't seem to be a load of room, and I want a King/Queen seat..
Cheers folks.


TT Racer
The seat only need to come back 1" to slide off, and as Mahart says, seat need to be off to mount the rack


Two Stroke
Other way round. The rack is on - does it have to come off to change the seat?

No. There are two screws that secure/fix the seat to the frame. They are at the rear of the bike. Look under the rear lip of the seat. Remove those and the seat slides back an inch and lifts off. The rack is attached to a flat plate under and independent of the seat.


TT Racer
the rack is bolted down under the seat. you actually CAN'T take it off unless you remove the seat first.